Ahh, so that explains the 2,107 patients who had side effects reported to the drug safety watchdog Medicines and Health care products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), including many with multiple side effects and a total of 4,602 suspected side-effects recorded overall - it was tumors!
Must have been the same for all the deaths and side effects reported due to Gardasil, the American school girl jab.
Ahh, but wait - the benefits outweigh the risks we are told, the standard rationalization of the drugmakers and doctors, even though when it comes to school girl jabs there have been no long term studies of giving jabs like Cervarex and Gardasil, nor have their been hardly any studies of the risks and side effects when it is used in combination with other vaccines. Medical science conducts studies, usually self funded by the medicine makers and assures our doctors of the favorable benefits to risk ratio, and then our doctors make examinations and rely on that information to administer jabs and other drugs based on such information and their judgment that the risks are outweighed by the benefits.
In the US, they only get it wrong 140,000 times every year - which is the annual number of deaths from properly prescribed and properly administered drugs in homes and hospitals for patients whose doctors judged that the benefits outweighed the risks. I am sure that is a great consolation to the family and friends of those who died at the hand of mainstream drugs.
A cheery thought is that far fewer studies have been conducted on the H1N1 vaccines that are being dispensed by the hundreds of millions around the world.
What if a vaccination was created for an engineered unnatural flu which, besides whatever other short and long term side effecs, also actually caused the spread of such a virus to those who weren't vaccinated?
How would that be for a self-fulfilling herd immunity theory? Or eugenics? Why is it that the third world countries are going to have only a very limited supply of vaccinations?
Nahhh, couldn't happen.
Or could it?
I think I'll put my tinfoil hat back on and go back to bed . . .
W're seeing the short term side effects of the jabs, but no one really knows what the long term effects will be of giving such jabs to young 12-13 year old school girls.
For that matter, no one knows what the effects are of giving all the vaccines to infants and young children whose brains, nervous systems and organs are still developing and most vulnerable. Just as none of us really know what the effects are once we combine more than one medicine together, because, bad as the studies are on individual jabs and other medicines, they have not been studied in combination with one another.
We are all guinea pigs and the more we medicate the sicker we become.