I'm so glad it didn't run you off! lol
since finances are tight - anyone can ask me (or other folks on here have the book I'm sure) what it says for their malady or dis-ease. It's like 20 pages of stuff so it's a bit too much to list but - I also have an older copy of the book.
You can do a google search if ya don't wanna list what you're looking for. Type "Louise Haye" and whatever word your dealing with.
For instance - I'm fascinated with the phrase 'it runs in the family'. Now I know from a good bit of research that myasms (kinks in your dna links) and bugs are passed through the placenta and breast milk to your child. Those and metals cause kinks (mutations) in your dna chain. But we also know that families (especially dysfunctional ones) have processes and habits that have affected many generations.
SO - strokes run rampant on both sides of my family. No one talks, most of them have passed on and the ones that are left are staunch, distant, unemotional geniuses that give a hug like they could get your cootie.
'Strokes run in the family'.
Louise Haye on the body manifestation of 'stroke':
THOUGHTS that create that scenario:
Giving up. Resistance. Rather die than change. Rejection of life.
AFFIRMATIONS that help repattern your thoughts:
Life is change, and I adapt easily to the new. I accept life - past, present and future.
Let's pick something else that runs in families.
*****Heart issues*****
THOUGHTS that create the scenario:
Represents the center of love and security (see blood).
My heart beats to the rhythm of love.
Longstanding emotional problems. Lack of joy. Hardening of the heart. Belief in strain and stress.
Joy. Joy. Joy. I lovingly allow joy to flow through my mind and body and experience.
Squeezing all the joy out of the heart in favor of money or position, etc.
I bring joy back to the center of my heart. I express love to all.
Pretty daunting and yet encouraging, right?
So which one is the chicken and which one the egg?
Do families pass thought processes and communication/self-stifling patterns to their children and that manifests kinks in their body leading to disease?