Oleander is also very poisonous, but grown extensivly, it is also used as a medicinal plant.
Yes, it was once widely used as a heart drug. I was doing some experiments with it a long time ago trying to make cardiac drugs without all the side effects. To make a long story short, one whiff bottomed out my blood pressure for several hours and you could not find a pulse anywhere on me, even with drinking caffeine.
There was also a case here a few years back where a guy was burning a pile of oleander leaves. His dog ran through the smoke killing the dog instantly.
The entire plant is poisonous, even the honey made from it.
pyschoactive eh i like the sound of that:).
are their any herbs that give highs, i know of the obvious ones such as kratom, kanna etc.
There are quite a few. Look up ethnobotanical herbs on Google. You will be surprised at how many plants are readily available in any nursery.
i seen you said clary sage ingested was very euphoric, does this have any side effects.
It is pretty safe. You want to use the oil, about 10 drops in a capsule.