Phew! this is quite a list of symptoms.
Doc is going to be on Patrick Timpone's One Radio Network today (sorry, thursday) 10 a.m. CST and he doesn't come on much lately, so I'll try to give you a clue as best I can as to what's going on. OR at least TRY to give you a little bit of help.
First, MRI's aren't as dangerous as CAT scans. That's a little info I can give you. There's always a remote possibility you might have something going on there.
Next, I would find a good, hands-on, old school type of chiropractor and see if some of the nerves in your spine aren't working right. Word of mouth is one way to find these people. It might be difficult to find a good one. I looked for a long time before I did.
Please tell us how long you have done a parasite cleanse, whether you are still on maintenance dewormer like every 3 days, and how many liver flushes you have done. You need to give more details on what you've done with the cleansing programs. Also, have you done a colon cleanse?
What kind of multi-vitamins are you taking? We only take natural vitamins, not the ones made by the drug companies.
I'd switch to Barefoot's iodine or the nascent iodine that only works to help your thyroid work better naturally. Or stop taking the Lugols for a while.
"Always cold" sounds like an underactive thyroid, but it also sounds like your circulation is still compromised and that would mean you haven't done enough of cleaning out your liver.
Loss of muscle tone is not enough protein in your diet. It can mean not enough exercise. Good animal protein from grassfed animals is what Doc recommends or the Protefood from Standard Process that you can get from
The green super foods are detoxifying. There are some natural vitamin and mineral combinations that are very good for sustaining and also re-building the body. Especially if you don't eat very well. IMO we are NOT getting the nutrients we should be getting even from organic produce now. I like Dr. Ben Kim's whole food and mineral supplement. I've been taking Dr. Hagiwara's Green Magma Plus that has lots of rebuiding nutrients in it, and there is also Dr. Richard Schulze's Green Super Food with protein and a complete line of nutrients and green food detoxifiers in it. The hemp powder is also a complete food and has protein and silica in it for nails.
It sounds to me like your nutritional status isn't good yet. A lot of what your symptoms say sounds like lack of good protein. Some amino acids are detoxifying and they're also rebuilding for the body. This program says to clean, but it also says FEED the right nutrients back in there. Magnesium is a nutrient all sick bodies are low in. It might take some supplemetation for a while with that. The Celtic Sea Salt has a lot of minerals, and without minerals our bodies can't use vitamins.
General aches and pains might mean you are still toxic, or that your body is still getting rid of toxins in the joints or elsewhere as a result of the cleansing prcedures.
Eye floaters are parasites. I dont know when the body gets rid of those, but we have to have killed all the parasites off in order to not get any more. Humaworm kills parasites well outside of the digestive tract. It kills them in the digestive tract, too.
Premature aging is due to free radicals and antioxidants are recommended at the end of this program when your liver and body has cleaned out a lot. Grape seed extract and there are lots of antioxidant teas out there like the Rooibos and green tea.
Please tell us what your digestion is like and if your liver seems to be producing enough bile as is indicated by a brown stool color. Fill us in on some more details of what you've done and how long you've done it.