funny you should ask. i thought i was hydrated until i got more hydrated. then i thought i was hydrated. nope. the most hydrated i have ever been was after five days of this:
there is a slight danger of bloating so i use extra salt, but no more than double the amount. after the butt pee be sure to drink plenty of water the rest of the day.
i have every joint, every sinew, even my vocal chords worked better than ever. i think that is what hydrated feels like.
remember what dr batmanghelidj said, histimine action inthe body is a sign of dehydration and/or drought. this includes aches, pains, rashes, soreness, asthma, arthritis, coughing, raspy voice, fatigue, itching, etc.
btw, drought is where you are hydrated everywhere but in a certain area or organ or system. the water cure should be the first thing to try at the beginning of any problem. the body cant take care of any business without water.