I can relate to all the stories already expressed about this embarrassing condition, which I suffered with for five years.
I then discovered dietary fibre (I used lepicol first and now I stick with
Colon Cleanse which you can buy from GNC which is more effective for me as well as being cheaper).
I recently had a relapse, so I took three times the recommended dosage (about 20-30g of fibre) and like a miracle, the problem I had been praying and crying over for years was gone in almost an instance.(to be honest I had become complacent and stopped taking it regularly).
Don't get me wrong, my farts can now be lethal. Dangerous. Toxic. You get the point. BUt its just because my body is now releasing the gas from the correct passage - which of course is much better!
I also use CB12 as a mouthwash, which you can get from boots, which provides support for 12 hours - exactly as it claims to do. I know others who have said that CB12 is not useful for them so I guess everyone is different.
If you are convinced that your oral hygiene is perfect, and that the smell is a gaseous smell from the gut, not just a sad case of BB then try dietary fibre. GPs and specialists have been absolutely useless for me during this struggle.
Only through prayer was I literally able to find a miracle, and hence the username. I took the time to write this in the event that it could help change someone's life in the way it has for me.
I probably won't log on here again so if you choose to reply I may not see it. Good luck - keep the faith - God is one (for the strength I've gained from this experience I wouldn't change it for anything - despite the pain and humiliation).