My name is Nicolas, I am currently a meat eating, Standard American Diet male who is going to embark on a Raw Food Journey. I am going to do a 30 day raw food lifestyle change trial.
30-Day Trial
I first heard about raw foodism a couple weeks ago, and after reading up on it, reading people’s reviews and done research, I have decided to try it. The trial will begin Monday September 7th, 2009 and will continue for 30 days. At the end of this 30 day period, I can make a decision as to if I want to continue with this lifestyle or not.
I have read about the numerous health benefits, and here are the ones I am aiming for:
1. Weight Loss: This lifestyle encourages safe, stable weight loss, without the risk of re-gaining it back
2. Improved emotional state: Raw foodists have claimed they emotionally feel amazing a lot of the time, more-so than on a Standard American Diet
3. Increased energy: Raw foodists also say they have increased energy all the time, they sleep less and are more productive
4. Better overall health: Many people have said once they have become immersed in this lifestyle, they are able to stop taking medication for different problems, have been cured of cancer, diabetes and other chronic illnesses.
There are many different schools of thought as to which quantities of fruit vs. vegetables vs. grains should be consumed. For this trial I am going to keep my options open, as I will experiment with eating fruits, vegetables, grains, sprouts, seeds and other raw foods. Though, I will try and keep my weekly fat percentage under 15%.
Blogging the Trial
I am going to blog each day of the 30-day trial on this forum, as well as on my blog. I will post summaries of each day, including what I ate, the nutritional values, pictures of meals, how I am feeling and any health benefits that I hope to encounter. I am going to fully commit myself to this trial, and blog any feelings, doubts, benefits and everything that I feel. I have done a lot of research leading to this trial, and I am very excited to see the outcome.
If you are interested you can keep looking at this thread everyday for a short summary.
If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them. Also, if you have done this trial, or are currently a raw foodist and have advice or words of caution, feel free to leave a reply.
Nicolas Cole
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