are EXPENSIVE and a temporary or partial solution. I have tried those mentioned and many others over the years and many of the desensitization techniques, and they did not give much help. Know many others who have had the same results.
This is not true at all. Herbs can be extremely effective IF used properly, and this includes using the right herbs for the right condition. To do this it helps to know how the body works.
One MUST make some changes in lifestyle and find or grow the very best quality fresh foods possible to experience the max healing one is capable of.
Would you be more specific? What changes in lifestyle should they make? Wear a hazmat suit to protect them from any chemical sensitivites? No matter what your lifestyle you are not going to avoid chemical exposure. Even if you move to Antartica you will still be exposed to fragrances people wear, chemicals coming off the clothes you wear to stay warm, the chemicals from what you use to wash those clothes.......... And this would not address the cause of the sensitivities, which goes back to the adrenal function. Why do you think it is that not everyone has senstivities? Why do you think that these sensitivities can come and go throughout life? Why do you think that things like stress and caffeine make sensitivities worse? If you understand how the body works, especially the adrenals then you will have your answer.
As for high quality food, I somewhat agree. If you are talking about eating food that was actually allowed to ripen so you have a good amount of vitamins and minerals in it then yes. Especially vitamin C and pantothenic acid, which are the two most important nutrients for the adrenals. If you talking about "high brix" foods" then you need to learn what this means. Brix is nothing more than a measurement of sugar in solution, that is the definition. Coca Cola is higher brix than any produce you are going to find. This DOES NOT make it healthy! Honey is high brix as well, but it has the same effects on the body as table sugar (sucrose), mainly because it is loaded with sucrose. Tell me, do you know why sugar suppresses the immune system? Is that the goal with high brix foods, to suppress the immune system to the point you cannot mount an immune response? This is what the idiotic doctors do with Prednisone. The Prednisone crashes the adrenals so you cannot mount an immune response. Great for preventing sensitivity symptoms. Of course you will have a whole list of other problems such as increased risk of cancer, infections, bone loss, water retention, high blood pressure, blood sugar issues....... So if you are referring to high brix foods please explain to us how consuming larger amounts of sugar are supposed to help anyone with their health issues.
Most of the commonly held ideas about how to help this and other chronic conditions are WRONG!!! That is why the conditions are usually so long-lasting.
Please elaborate more specifically so these claims can be addressed as well.
Check out the many success stories, ask questions of those active in that forum, check their history of past posts. Success trumps any amount of books and studies.
No scientific and medical facts trump all. Testimonials are not proof of anything as I have pointed out numerous times. Just because something makes someone feel better does not mean they are better or they are not being harmed by the treatment. Again, chemotherapy can shrink a tumor making someone feel better. So if they give a testimonial like "oh, I feel so much better since I went with the Cisplatin treatments and my tumor is so much smaller", this is not a success. Do they still have the cancer? Yes. Will the Cisplatin cause them other side effects, including the possibility of other cancers? Yes. So does the testimonial mean squat? No. And the testimonial pages don't show all the failures of people getting worse or not feeling better at all. I have seen quite a number of these. Ignoring them does not mean they don't exist. So bottom line remains that testimonials do not trump real scientific and medical evidence.
Question regarding kefir...the last thing a person is supposed to do on a Cabdida diet is ingest sugar. That said, the kefir is mixed with milk, which has about 15 grams of sugar...more or less (no pun intended), depending on what kind of milk is used. Does the benefit of kefir out weigh this? I'm assuming that the sugar from the kefir is converted prior to it becoming a problem...does this sound right?
Correct. The longer the kefir ferments the more the sugar is used up and the more beneficial acids are formed.'re right on from what I've seen here. Hvegathri has given sound advice, for nothing. Thanks for your help also....
Please, don't be so vague. I would like to hear specifically from you what is not sound advice I have given. And be sure to give a detailed explanation of why you think it is not sound. Do you disagree that proper adrenal function counters sensitivities? Do you disagree that the body keeps Candida under control through the formation of acids by both the stomach and the flora? What specifically do you think is unsound. And again be specific and detailed so I can respond with the evidence you need to understand how the body works.