Rare Side Effect Is Seen in Long-Term Use of a Breast Cancer Drug
What is interesting is that Tamoxifen has been linked to other cancers as well, psychoses and blindness. Yet they never seem to tell people this when given this dangerous drug.
I'm not sure I would mess around with building one, because you have no idea what the ozone output is going to be. Some protocols require pretty low amounts.
There are pros and cons both ways. I pointed a few out in my last post. Another reason I prefer to build my own is that I design mine for a very low oxygen flow rate. I figured out that lowering the pressure to a tenth of a liter per minute that the flow rate is the same rate as the gas is infused. So you don't fill up the colon and wait uncomfortably for it to be absorbed. The first couple of treatments there is some bloating, but not after that. I did a treatment for 2 hours once as an experiment and there was no adverse effects. The body just saturates with the ozone so excess does not offer any extra benefit. Anyway, the filling the colon up thing never made sense to me anyway. If you think about how unstable ozone is, and the fact that it takes the ozone 20 minutes on average to completely absorb, which is above the half -life of the ozone you can see that most of the ozone is broken down long before it can absorb. This is why I prefer using the extremely low flow of ozone so fresh ozone is always being infused and absorbed at the same rate.
I don't agree that the half life is only 20 minutes. At least not in a sealed environment.
And the reason I say that is because if I make ozonated water, empty the jar, and seal it up... even days later I can open it up and the smell of ozone is still pretty strong. Strong enough that if I were to breath it in, it would make me cough.
Ozone has a very short half life. It is so reactive that it will even break itself down if it is in a sealed environment.
"The most important property of Ozone is that it has a very short life span. This life span is called a "half-life". The half-life of Ozone is approximately 7 to 20 minutes. This means that half of the Ozone (O3) created will "break down" and "re-combine" as Oxygen (O2) each 7 to 20 minutes until all the Ozone is gone, depending upon temperature, humidity and the amount of contaminants in the air that the Ozone has to deodorize. In other words, strong odors will use more Ozone and light odors will require less Ozone. If the Ozone cannot find any odor to work on it simply reverts to Oxygen. Clean & Simple."
Here is a link showing the half life in water at different temperatures:
Table 1: half-life of ozone in gas and water at different temperatures
Air Temp (°C) Half live -50 3 months -35 18 days -25 8 days 20 3 days 120 1,5 hours 250 1,5 seconds Dissolved in water (pH 7) Temp (°C) Halflive 15 30 min 20 20 min 25 15 min 30 12 min 35 8 min
Another one:
Temp (C) half-life * -50 3-months -35 18-days -25 8-days 20 3-days 120 1.5-hours 250 1.5- seconds
Typical O3 half-life vs. Temperature
Dissolved in Water (pH 7)
Temp (C)
What kind of ozone unit are you using?
You should only use cold corona systems for internal therapy, and use it with oxygen. The problem is trying to figure out what you are getting. I have several companies claim their machines were cold corona when they were obviously hot corona. Things have been muddied even more recently with the introduction of solid state transformers. It used to be the difference between hot and cold corona was the number of dielectrics in the tube. Hot corona has one, and cold corona has a double dielectric. That was based on the old pig iron transformers that operate at 60hz. The new solid state transformers are lighter and smaller, which makes them nice for building units. But they operate at such high frequencies, generally around 28,000hz that they drop the resistance of the dielectrics. So even with the double dielectric the high frequency treats the discharge as if the dielectrics were not even there. Therefore it turns a cold corona tube design in to a hot corona. This is one of the reasons I build my own units.
nteresting article regarding Tamoxifen. My Grandmother was given this medicine after she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 69. She lived for 7 years after and died at the age of 76. I was young, but remember seeing her prescription for Tamoxifen, as I would routinely goto the pharmacy to pick up. The weird thing is that she died of uterine cancer, I wonder if Tamoxifen had anything to do with that?
Definitely, Tamoxifen has been linked to cervical, uterine, liver and other cancers. This has been known for a long time but it was only about 3 years ago that they finally admitted publicly that it increased the risk of cervical cancer. They still have not made the other cancers caused by Tamoxifen public, but this information is in the medical journals.
How did things get to be so wrong here?
Things are a lot worse than we think. Tamoxifen has been used for a while now as a "preventative" for breast cancer as well in women with a "history" of breast cancer in their families. This is not quite as bad as prophylacitc mastectomies for these same women, but it is definitely up there. What really irks me is that these women are falsely being told that this cancer is familial, when in fact it is viral. Last I heard NO human oncogenes have ever been found. All oncogenes have been found to be viral. Human papilloma virus (HPV) is the culprit in this case. HPV has been linked to cervical, breast, prostate, naso-pharyngeal and skin cancers. So they are scaring these poor women in to having their healthy breasts cut off, or are giving them cancer causing drugs by convincing them that this will prevent breast cancer. I guess if you don't have breasts anymore because you had them cut off that you cannot get breast cancer. But what about this cancer forming virus that may still be in your system? And is it worth the risk of taking a drug to prevent breast cancer when it causes more deadly cancers like liver cancer?
No wonder the doctors are trying to scare women away from phytoestrogens, which also block estrogen just like Tamoxifen. Phytoestrogens do not cause secondary cancers or the other side effects of Tamoxifen, so there is no money to be made in the moment or in the long run from illnesses caused by the drug. So the drug companies and the doctors invested in to them would rather see you take the dangerous Tamoxifen rather than eat a healthy diet full of estrogen-blocking phytoestrogens.
I was scheduled for complete HYSTERECTOMY at age 22, and refused to keep the appointment without another opinion. Alleged atypical cells appeared on a routine pap smear while briefly trying a birth control containing only progesterone, as I was not tolerating estrogen well with it. The need for radical surgery became a normal pap smear once again within a month after stopping the single hormone!!! I am so grateful I FAILED to successfully take synthetic hormones for more than a total of 3 months in my whole life. So far my mother is without her uterus and gallbladder and has a bionic hip from their MARVELS.
My sisters lost their minds temporarily(?) from the DEPO shot, and what kind of doctor gives that to a woman with fibroid tumors in her breasts?
The PAP smears are a pet peeve of mine. If the PAP is abnormal they automatically tell the woman that they are infected with HPV. This IS NOT what this means. An abnormal PAP can occur from various infections, birth control pills, B6 deficiencies, and smoking. Its a great way for them to keep you coming back for frequent testing and maybe even a medication or two. Its such a scam!!!
If HPV is the culprit, then do we just not have sex???
And we can get food poisoning from eating, but that is not going to stop me from eating.
Is Nabothian cervical cyst considered VIRAL or simply sebaceous product from what?
No, it is caused from an overgrowth of tissue trapping cervical mucous in pockets known as cervical crypts.
Isn't the HPV vaccine only able to guard against a few strains?
I would not say that it dies guard as this has never been tested and proven. The only thing proven about the vaccine is how dangerous it is. It is supposed to guard against 4 of the over 80 strains of HPV.
And who wants to take yet another vaccine anyway?
Brainwashed people.
What will these young girls who have been given the vaccine be facing later as a result?
There have already been over 30 deaths attributed to the vaccine. And there are the women injured by the vaccine. But not all the cases are going to get reported. They did present one case on world news the other night. The girl is now on a long list of medications for life to treat the side effect she suffered from the vaccine. Here are some articles on Gardasil:
And a CNN report:
From the FDA: