I thought I was done with my second flush on when I had those stone ridden bowel movements last evening. After that I had a bowlful of sprouts (lentils) lighly roasted with olive oil for a minute with
Sea Salt and caynee pepper sprinked for taste. I also had a bowlful of plain 100% whole grain oatmeal with a spoon of maple syrup instead of sugar. This morning I did a salt flush- then morning through afternoon I had sprouts again (horsegram)roasted lightly in a spponful of olive oil (plus
Sea Salt and caynne pepper)- also just had a glass of lemonade (MC formula).....and guess what?
I just had a bowel movement and I was shocked to see what came out along with the bowels.....three white & pale green balls- very spongy- one of them over an
inch and a half (maybe about 4cms) in diameter- it did not get crushed- like I said it has very spongy- it actually made me feel sick to think that something so horrible existed inside me. The other two balls were big too but this was the biggest.
I am begining to realize the importance of raw diet- the salt water flush coupled with uncooked sprouts definitely had something to do with this result. I seriosuly recommend that everyone try and cook as less as possible- raw is better than half cooked and half cooked is beter than fully cooked.I plan to stay on atleast 70% raw diet to the extent possible- I save on my cooking time, my time at the grocery store and fridge space in addition to the obvious benefits to our body.
One more thing I would recommend- use lots of caynne pepper, lime/lemon in all the things you can add. Substitute
table salt with
Sea Salt and substitute sugars with maple syrup- and don't buy anything that contains artificial flavors/
preservatives and avoid anything that is pasteurized. Then everyday of your life would mean an automatic cleansing process!! But that just thats my expereince...