The essential point about the
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) is that it has the same specific gravity as the blood, and thus is not 'picked up'.
This is what causes it to move through the stomach unimpeded, and cleanse the entire tract, top to bottom. Drinking anything before taking it (naturally, if you consider it) means that you've changed the quality of the solution in some manner.
On a day you do the swf take anything like lemon water later. In fact, have no water, nothing, before the swf. It comes first, and it's not necessay to chug it--regardless of what some people may choose to do. In fact, sipping it within about ten minutes is fine and works well. Also, taking it about broth temperature is recommended. The body doesn't need or particulary want any liquid coming in too fast--that represents a form of aggression, and is against the principles that govern the SWF, which are:
gentleness, calm, and notthing like a purge so much as a cleanse.
Once the bowels begin to move, and only then, sip another cup of plain, boiled water. Not lemon. The whole thing should be complete in an hour or so. The only times it doesn't "work" would be either that you are so dehydrated, the body is desperate for some of the water, and thus absorbs some of the salt too, resulting in bloating, OR
there is too much constipation, or maybe in some rare case, the body tried to 'pick up' the minerals in the
Sea Salt . You are, of course using only the best unrefined
Sea Salt --or himayalan.
In your case, it was the lemon and water that intertered.