Hi Ya'll,
So, "WE" think "WE" are getting something better when "WE" Buy Organic foods ?
Maybe "WE" should Wise up and get "OURSELF" a Refractometer and Learn the
"Truth" ?
Do "WE" also believe that Organic Foods do not have any Herbicides and or
Pesticides in them ?
Guess again !!!!!!!!!!!!
Do "WE" know what it means for a Herbicide or Pesticide to have a 50 year 1/2
Life ?
Did "WE" know that this may mean that it takes 50 years for this to Break down
"ONLY" 50% of it's "Poison" Effects to Plant and Animal and Mankind ?
Did "WE" know that "ANY" Herbicide or Pesticide , which has been sprayed into
the Air as an application may drift for over 400 miles in the air ?
So, what happens when it then rains and takes this out of the air into the soil
400 miles away from where it was applied ?
What was that "YOU" Claimed that "YOU" "ONLY" eat Orgainc Foods, which do not
have any Herbicides or Pesticides in them ?
How many times have I heard someone here on curezone tell me that "they" eat
"ONLY" Organic foods and thus they eat Healthy, but for some reason "they" are
having these Different Health problems ????????
Who do "WE" think "WE" are trying to Fool ?
Any food grown on this planet may have some Poison in it , which may have not
been directly used on the present growing crop ?
Now, I am not suggesting we eat foods which are grown with heavy present usage
of Poison's used to grow them !
But, what I am trying to point out is that what we may think is Free of these
Poison's may be just an illusion in our minds ?
And that just because the Government calls it Organic or has allowed a Organic
stamp of approval to be applied to the food, does not make it any Better than
any other foods !!!!!!!!!
For, "IF" any Herbicides or Pesticides have been used on the soil or nearby
since the land was farmed from the begining, then the plants presently growing
on this land are going to contain some amounts of "Every" Poison ever used
"IF" "YOU" do not beleive me, then "WHY" do the penguins at the north pole have
DDT in their Fat ?????????????
They sure did not spray DDT on themself !!!!!!!!
So, what Hope is left for a person who is Sick and Diseased because of this
problem and of the Poor Quality of the foods ?
Buy ourself a Refractometer and Wise up and learn to select the Best Quality of
Highest Mineralized foods, which may be available to us and our Family, "IF"
"WE" Hope to have "ANY" chance of becomming Healthy or becomming Healthy !
For at least this way "WE" may be able to have some food, which has enough
needed Alkaline Minerals to help Buffer some of these Poisons?
One is going to be much Better off to find foods to eat, which are of the
Highest Alkaline Mineral content, than if it is called Organic or not !
Sorry to Bust the Bubble for those Organic Fans ?
Seek the Truth and the Truth shall set "US" Free !
Choose Life or Death this day !
Smile Tis your choice.