Hey Mary 88;
It's good to hear from you here in the forum, And you seem to have your cleanses down pretty good, But you may need to also start focusing on putting good bacteria into your system. It seems like besides yeast you also may have some intolerances to foods, and may need some help with your food digestion. Also when you do lots of cleanses back to back they sometimes can effect your metabolism, strength, electrolytes and potassium. It's good to cleanse but then you should give your body a rest after awhile. Your body loses those things when cleansing for a long time and it loses the good bacteria) because when you cleanse it is flushed out, and you have to restore it with good fuel. (good bacteria)It's possible that you also may have a little dehydration too (judging from some ofyour symptoms)This can even effect your immune system, if your immune system is weak from bad nutrition (being afraid to eat because of the odor and cleansing) your body will not be able to fight off viruses or infections when they try to invade your body.
I found out that when I eat dairy products I have a fecal/ sulphur(intestinal gas) smell and when I eat other foods I have the same problem, so I did some research on lactose intolerance (which is one of my symptoms) and other food intolerances and what they do to the body. I tested Beano and Lactaid ( I took them before drinking a milk shake, and eating a small hamburger and they worked, I had no odor. You see my odor would occur only after eating foods. And since I've been including Beano before meals I have not had any bad odor because these food enzymes helped to break down the food in my stomach. I found out that when foods are not broken down or properly digested, it goes undigested into the large intestine and the some don'tget digested in the small intestines, and undigested food protiens are fermented by bacteria and can cause gas and other problems while sitting in the gut,and later causes rotting odors. (intestinal gas) And if you don't take digestive enzymes (for digestion) you could have problems if you have intolerance to foods like I do.
Although I'm taking probotics on a regular basis and mitamins for BO ( they contain digestive enzyme bromelian, lactobacillus acidolphillus,zinc,magnesium, and Goldenseal, and chlorella) I take a multiple vitamin and B-Complex (which is suppose to help with body odors)They have been helping with my digestion but Beano takes the odor away completely, Beano helps with certain foods, so I will have to take other enzymes to break down other foods because some foods may contain sugar and my body dosen't break some sugars down too well because I smell like feces afterwards. There were times I used to have to take more supplements because the smell would come after eating something . But now I before I eat any foods I'm going to make sure I have the right enzyme to break it down, Lactaid and Beano are pluses for me.
Probotics with Bifidus is good for digestion problems,(See message for PROBOTICS AND PREBOTICS.) Cleansing may cleanse but it won't break down foods in your body.
As far as the yeast infections Probotics will help or an anti-fungal like grape fruit seed extract helps as well as Chlorella (which also helps with yeast infections and detoxes the body.) Or you can a take Organic Coconut Oil; or Oil of Oregeano, (which are also anti fungals) these also aid in yeast and fungi infections too. This is one of the websites for the food intolerance, I hope this helps you as it has done me and may give you a better understanding of why you mayget fecal odors after eating certain foods as well as others may be in this forum. http://www.bodyodor777.com/causes_foodintolerance.html, and www.ehow.com/how_5188954_replenish-probotics-after-colon-cleanse.html
God bless. www.beanogas.com
Hello mary 88;
IAfter I got home from work this morning I realized I had not answered your question. I know you are seeking advice for your BO problems. Although I told you how I aleviated mine I did 'nt tell you what I really intended too. www.stopyeast.com/candida-symptoms.html
and this one http://www.wrongdiagnosis.com/symptoms/white_tongue/causes.htm