First of all it is definitely the kf that is causing the devitalized feeling. I know this because twice since my last message i have begun the kf again, and twice I have been totally depleted and sore in my back at the end of the day. So both times I discontinued the kf even though i had planned to just push through whatever happened, for reasons I will elaborate on below.
On a positive note, the hydrotherapy has been a bull-eye so far. I am only on day 3, did 14 minutes the first day (5 hot 2 cold 5 hot 2 cold as I read in one of Schulze's interviews), then yesterday I did three such sessions for a total of 42 minutes, today I did two and will probably hold it there and continue to keep a 2 session, 28 minute schedule for the next few weeks.
The results have been noticeable right from the start. I was ambivalent about even trying the therapy based on the fact that for the past few months, ANY kind of contact with cold water, even drinking ice water, has produced a "deadening" of my kidney adrenal area and a corresponding mental fuzziness.
However, only a few minutes after my first hydrotherapy session, I noticed a "pulling" sensation in my lower back, and though I felt somewhat disoriented, my attention had stabilized somewhat.
When I woke up the next day I felt MUCH better. More clear-headed, stronger, and more able to read and concentrate, two things I have been woefully deficient in for quite a while now. Also, there was a greater feeling of strength in my kidney/adrenal area -- taking the staircase in the house multiple times didn't produce the usual pain and fatigue. Today all those same results seemed to intensify. I was able to read some technical material with much less effort and much greater retention. In fact I was offered a job today and took it. I would not have taken the job had it not been for the benefits from the hydrotherapy, as less than a week ago, even though I pretty much knew I would be offered the job, I had decided to refuse as I simply did not feel ready physically or mentally.
So this is a big step forward. I hope the results from the hydrotherapy continue, and certainly big thanks to Vernal for suggesting it. However given that I am about to start work I am feeling very ambivalent about just "pushing through" the discomfort/devitalization that may come about as a result of the kf and lf, so those are on hold for now.
I am certainly hoping that the benefits from the hydrotherapy continue to magnify until I can do the flushes without risking becoming non-functional.
On another positive note, now that I'm once again gainfully employed I am going to be able to move out from my mother's house fairly soon, which will make it a lot easier to incorporate more of the IP protocols, including some of the more conspicuous, like juice fasting, the
coffee enemas and the cold sheet treatment.
Anyway, just wanted to report some progress and thanks again to Uny and Vernal for all the helpful suggestions.