on teh
Acne forum post answer for post titled/ fo rone who knows...
Spirit answers a reply youmight wan tto look at.
also yo umight wan tto look at the beauty tips forum to see
if i have posted soem there.
i hav ehad a long day or i could rattle sometin g off *)
but i know there are a few hommeade things you can do
after this week ir so i willbe able to be more focused / once i get some persoanl matters attended too 8)
btw my new hair is bout 2
inches lon gnow under my other hair *) and my daughter asked to try it !!
cause she dyed her ahir against my wishes and no w has lost a littel bit/ at least she says she will never ever do that again so ia m happy it was a learnign experiecne fo rher..
my ex and my brother are both goign to try it since they knwo how bad it was forme up under my ears etc and
they knwo if i am seeign soemthign happen maybe they will too . i hope so/ hope it isn't related to jstu me. *)