i feel for you as i am going through the same thing.
a few Q's...
do you have alopecia areata? (bald patches)
is this your first time and how old are you?
does anyone else in the family have it/hayfever/arthritus/auto immune disorders?
have you had any major stessful situtations that may have brought it on?
the main thing you need to do now is DON'T STRESS!
i know this is the hardest thing to do right now but it won't help your situtation.
you need to have a bunch of test's to find out more about your situation.
blood count, thyroid, fungal infections, metal toxicity, dental xray's...ect
the fact that you show a kidney infection is a hint. your normal GP will most likely tell you that there is no connection what so ever.(they never see us a whole person...just isolated area's)
but in chinese herbal medicine blood quality represents hair and the organs that are invovled in that process are, kidny,liver ,spleen.
please email me at alopeciareata@hotmail.
as i have a lot of information on this subject.
keep your chin up, remember your inner beauty will guide you through this roller coster ride of emotions.
think hairy thoughts,