I think you know yourself best. By that I mean, has your gut led you in the wrong direction before or has it been spot on when you sense something is amiss?
To further clarify --- for example, in my case I have discovered when I get a gut feeling about something, in the end my gut has been right. Sometimes my rational, logical mind will say "but...". Last year I had a gut feeling about a relationship that a friend was in at the time. She was engaged to this guy and he was working overseas. She was flitting from job to job during this time and he was giving her money to help with expenses. Yet my gut kept telling me she needed to find a permanent part-time job and put some money aside. At the same time my logical mind kept telling me but they are engaged and are planning a wedding (no date set just yet). As it turned out, he sent her a "Dear John" email and she was left with very little money!
So...when it comes to gut feelings, how is your track record? I think you should use this guideline for determining what to make of your feelings. On the flip side, are you a worrier who later finds that your worries were ill-founded? If it is the former (good gut feelings) I would say listen to your gut. If it is the latter, then take things slowly and see where things go.