I've had post-exertional symptoms for about 9 years now. Took tons of antobiotics as a kid, and have always suspected Candida and leaky gut as the possible reason I feel like absolute hell for 1-3 days following even the slightest exercise (brain fog, depression, inability to focus, insane fatigue, etc).
Anyway, I've been off and on the candida diet, have tried threelac, and before I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes last november, I've always kept to a pretty healthy, low-carb, low-to-no
Sugar diet. Well, unfortunately,
Sugar is my lifeline now if my blood glucose plummets for any reason (i.e. too much insulin, exercise, miscalculating carbs). Also, my doctor and specialist both have me on a fairly high carb diet, as I supposedly need the fuel to match my insulin so that I can function properly. So now I'm eating all of the things I deliberately stayed away from for so long: granola bars, bread, even juice (when I need it). It seems that my symptoms, which only arise after any kind of physical exertion, are now getting worse and lasting longer than before.
What can I guy in my situation do about candida?!
Thanks in advance,