to all, i do not know that this topical works for women. the only people i've seen that have had success were men. i'm not saying that it can't work for women, i just really have not seen any try it. i think female pattern baldness can be DHT related, but i really do not know. and once again, it does seem to have a high rate of success for men, but its never going to be 100%. the longer you've had hair loss the longer it takes to get back. there is a limit in years also.. meaning if you've had hair loss for more than 10 years don't expect to get that hair back thats been gone for more than 10 years. (thats an estimate, but you get the idea)
and remember that this like any other hair loss solution takes months for it to start working. like rogaine and all the others i think they say like 6 months to a year ! well in my experience this solution works much faster than that, and its something you can make yourself without any major drug companies involved. vitamins :) but expect to have to wait 3 months for real changes to start. you will probably see new vellus(baby blonde hairs) hair grow in a month and a half or so. then the hair has to cycle into thick terminal hair, which takes a long time. also, pay very close attention to what i write if you plan to make this.
hans, i think its around $25-30 for the vitmains, and they last quite a while too.. many many months. that isn't my site that i linked that is someone elses, but i've seen him around for a while. he didn't add the lasercomb until later, and his internals have been changed around quite a bit. there are other people that claim similar success as him with only the topical. that is all i use as well. and even he himself attributes most if not all of his progress to this topical.
what you need:
distilled water, or Brita filtered. CANNOT use tap water.
zinc sulphate capsules, i buy them here. they have a minimum purchase unfortunately...
B6 *pyridoxal* tablets. i buy these here,
how to mix it:
use an opaque container, NOT anything that is clear. vitamin B6 is light sensitive.
4oz.(120ml) of distilled or brita filtered water
3 220mg zinc sulphate capsules
3 50mg B6 pyridoxal tablets. Note: you will want to wash the yellow coating off of these tablets. i wash them under the faucet one at a time, it does take a couple minutes, and then i dry them with a papertowel. then you must crush the B6 tablets between two spoons rather well and then pour the contents into the container. preparing the B6 takes a little effort but after a short while its easy. i'm going to try to find a capsule form of the B6 so that all of this can be eliminated. (washing/crushing etc..) the problem is many of them have other vitamins mixed in... not good.
mix the solution well, or shake it well. some people let the solution sit for a day or two for the ingredients to soak into the water. i only wait a few hours or so, it seems fine. the vitamins are both water soluble that we're using. you will see a good amount of sediment, this is totally normal it is mostly just tablet filler.(calcium) i just leave it in there, it sits at the bottom. i do shake up the mixture before i apply it though. after mixing the solution it should have a lemonade like color. when applying this be careful not to get it on clothes.
use an eyedropper to apply the solution, just like you would with Rogaine, or other topicals.
its pretty standard to apply the topical 2 times per day, morning and night. however after a while once things get moving forward again its really not a big deal to miss applications. just try to remain consistent for the first few months especially. the amount to apply is around 2ml, which is 2 eyedroppers full. i use more than than because my hair is long, its difficult to cover the entire scalp.
wow did that take a while to type, i need to take a break. i don't think i forgot anything but i may have. i'll revise this later.