Your inspector should have developed a report that explains the findings and any contributing factors to the development of that mold. They should have also developed a scope of work for you and/or your contractor. I would start asking them directly for that information if you don't already have it. Anyone outside of direct inspection and analysis can only give you general information.
Keeping that in mind, Cladosporium (clad-oh-spore-ee-um) – common allergen / contaminant / very rarely pathogenic, found everywhere, many times the most common and numerous mold found in outdoor air. Indoor concentrations are usually not as high, but it is an important airborne allergen and common agent for hay fever, asthma, and other allergy related symptoms. It can thrive in various indoor environments, appearing light green to black (the black mold on air vent grills is usually Cladosporium).
Removal of any mold growth indoors should be done in a way that controls the distribution of mold from the local spot (be that physical or air) to unaffected areas of the structure. Care should also be given to protect the worker from exposure. Exposure, although not always negative to health, can have an effect on comfort and health and can be a distribution factor in spreading the mold from the affected area to one that is not affected. (For example, mold fragments and spores can get on your clothes and be moved from the area where you're working to another area where there is no current mold infestation. Mold can also be disturbed and distributed into the Heating, Ventilation and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) system where it then is distributed to the rest of the structure.)
I know this is general, but I hope it helps some.