I've been suffering with insomnia for several years now. Well, it's not really insomnia per se, but just falling asleep. I'm usually okay once I've fallen asleep. Even then, I was happy with this status until some time about eight months ago I lost my sleep mechanism altogether, for lack of a better term.
I was on certain medication at the time (antidepressants) and all of a sudden, I lost all ability to get tired. You know how your eyes get tired and droopy and then you know you're headed for sleep? Well, I lost that whole ability. My eyes would not get tired any more, neither would my brain. I was wide awake and walking around like a lunatic for day, until my body would eventually give out on day four or five and collapse of sheer exhaustion and I'd sleep for several hours and then the cycle would repeat.
The doctor simply kept switching me from one medication to another. That's when I simply had enough and began looking for any help I could find online.
I began with a complete change to my diet. I began
juicing every day. I started
coffee enemas and then got SAWilson's blend. All of that got me cleansed enough to where I began getting tired again at semi normal times (midnight) and would be able to fall asleep, but never sleep past 6am or so.
Then I graduated to oil pulling, which knocked out some gum issues and morning breath and improved the sleep by ever so little.
Last came the peroxide. I had morning breath that I didn't mind getting rid of and possible bacteria from the gum issue to be kept in check, so I thought I'd give it a go. I tracked down food grade 35% and began with 3 drops. By the time I got to 6 drops, I was going to bed at 10-11 and sleeping like a baby until 8-9 in the morning. The first time that happened, I had to look at the clock several times. I just couldn't believe it. Luckily, I didn't have work that day, as I stopped setting the alarm a long time ago, since I always woke up at six. Now, it's a regular occurrence. I'm not even past 12 drops yet (I go up one a day and sometimes repeat), but my long lost sleep is back! I'm happy beyond words! Thank you!!!
I don't know if "re-capturing lost sleep" was anywhere on the menu here, but you can now add it, if it wasn't.
P.S. Yes, It's kind of late now (12:45am), but I just had to get this out before I went to bed. See you in 8 healthy hours! :)