Hey ladies--
I am going through exactly what you all were last year RIGHT NOW. I'm a little over three months post removal, and I had a bad crash about 2 months after, but then--over the past couple of weeks--I was feeling great. I really thought that I was finally on the other side of all of this torture. Then yesterday....WHAMMO. It was like I was on day one again. Tons of anxiety, heartrate going everywhere, feeling like adreneline was coursing through every vein in my body. I'm so upset right now because I was really feeling like I was getting better.
Can any of you ladies who posted here PLEASE respond or message me directly to let me know how you are doing now? Did you have to continue meds for the anxiety? Did you ever get better on your own? Any information would greatly be appreciated. I just need to know what to expect.
Thank you so much, ladies....I'm looking forward to hearing from you. If you want my story here on Curezone--look at the post "My Mirena Hell...and What I'm Doing".
Best wishes for healing for all of us.