Hi Missy,
I'm going to butt my nose in again ha ha. I've had some experience with the IF #1 & 2 and I'm telling you its great stuff. I believe we learn from other peoples experiences even though things work different in everybody so here goes with my story of constipation, YUCK!
I'm 50 years old and have had severe constipation my whole life. My mother died from colon cancer and she had constipation her whole life. I never knew anything about doing a colon cleanse but I didn't want to end up like my mother so I started taking Magnesium and Potassium because I had heard Dr. Oz say that you need to take them to have good bowel movements. Now I know that neither of them is a natural healing herb but I didn't know any better and sure didn't want to end up like my mother with colon cancer so I had to make sure I got the old BM's coming out and it was better than nothing at the time. We all do what we know to do at the time but thank God I found this forum.
Okay so let me give a little warning LOL this is going to be graphic but needs to be said so that you can understand. Before I stared taking those two things I maybe had a good bowel movement if I was lucky once a week but many times I didn't even have that and all the while in the back of my mind I knew I had colon cancer in my family history, not a good thing. So once I started taking them I would have a BM maybe once a day but still not everyday and they were like tiny little cannonballs. Dark, very hard, tiny round balls. I knew from watching Dr. Oz that this was not a good sign at all. I did learn that if I wanted to clean myself out or so I thought at the time I would eat LOADS of chocolate ice cream, yeah thats right I ate bad stuff I knew I shouldn't eat because I knew it would give me diarrhea and it always did. I didn't know at that time it wasn't really cleaning me out but I know that now.
Fast forward to when I found Uny. She recommended I take both the IF's and do the bowel cleanse. I agreed with her and ordered both of them with my first order. I was so excited when I got my order I started taking everything right away. It took only ONE day for the IF #1 to start working, that was with one capsule. I added a capsule everyday as per instructions because I wanted to make sure I was getting out all I could if you know what I mean LOL. I think I ended up taking 5 a day, it was so wonderful to go to the bathroom so many times a day I was elated. That first go round I never took the IF #2 because I just couldn't get things together to have the time to do both. My second order got to me before I used all the first IF #1's and I had made up my mind to do them both this time. So I ended up doing them both and I'll tell you I spent more time in the bathroom than I've ever spent before ha ha. They work wonderfully together. I was taking both faithfully without fail.
Here comes the part I am ashamed of. When you do the full Incurables Program you also juice fast, you don't eat any solid food. Well I wasn't doing the IP so I wasn't juice fasting. The first round of the IF #1 I ate mostly fruit and veggies and did really well. The second round I didn't do so good with the eating. Not bad mind you but not near as good as I had done with the first round. The thing I failed to understand is that when you're doing a bowel cleanse you want to stop filling your body with things that are hard to digest. Here comes the "tough love" part I was telling you about LOL. You can't expect to properly cleanse your bowel if you're eating stuff that prevents the herbs from doing the job they need to do, its a waste of both time and money because you won't get the best results. Now I'm not in any way accusing you of doing this, its what I DID but I learned from my mistake from reading threads like this.
http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1452096 Read the whole thread because there is really good information there. Here is what I was talking about in eating things you shouldn't while bowel cleansing from one of the posts.
"I do believe that any newbie can do that quite easily but it's dependent on diet and water intake. Those two things sabotage the body's ability to 'crunch & munch' or re-instate a decent peristalsis in their gut. Ya can't eat cheese & get that plaque out, for sure."
That thread gave me the "tough love" kick in the butt I needed and I cleaned up my eating, no cheating at all. It might take me awhile but I finally "got it." Then I ran out of the #1 before my next order came in so I stopped taking the #2. After a couple of days without the IF's I was once again stopped up big time and if felt terrible. Now I've got my new order, I took the #1 the day I got it and the next morning I was in the bathroom having a very nice bowel movement. It will take me awhile to get cleaned out because I've spent the majority of my life eating fake junk food, not healthy at all and I had never done any kind of cleansing.
I tell you all this to let you know that Uny's herbs are POWERFUL! Even if you screw up like I did they'll still enable you to have bowel movements with cleansing going on. The thing is, its up to each one of us to decide to go for it all the way or just kind of play around with it which is what I did the second time around. You'll still get results but not as quickly as if you ate right. For me it would be ideal to juice fast while bowel cleansing but I haven't been able to work my schedule to fit juice fasting, thats a lot of work LOL.
I'm sorry this got so long, didn't intend for it too LOL. I wanted you to know that the IF's WORK and they work even better if you aren't eating things that counteract the cleansing process. What's that old saying, something will only work if you work it correctly? I'm excited for you Missy. I'll try to refrain from further long stories in the future, I have a tendency to be rather long winded.
Happy reading Missy cause I've been where you are reading everything I could get my hands on, hope you like to read.
Hey thanks Summer. Guess I should check those kinds of things huh? I will next time, anyway I've fixed it.
Howdy Missy!
I've just read through the majority of the your posts...and you sure seem like a wonderful gal :) You're always full of smiles and good thoughts (yay!), but you'll have even more smiles and sweeter thoughts once you get down to THE most important thing in natural health and healing - and that's getting your colon cleansed and back into working order.
dearest uniquity, thank you so very much for taking your valuable time just to help me... you are so kind... take as long to get back to me, i'm appreciative that you are helping me at all, and know you must be so busy - i could spend ALL day, EVERY day, frantically trying to learn about wellness and there will never be enough time and, i don't even have others that i need to help like you do...You're more that welcome! BUT (lol) flattery won't get you everywhere around hyar! :::silly grin::: (I do not think you're being insincere, I'm just making "a funny with a purpose).
I understand "never enough time to learn about wellness" - because what I've done for the last 5-8 years of my life is virtually go bankrupt spending all my time studying what WORKS. And my criteria for 'what works'? If the healer/author/ND, PhD (or whatever degree or credentials) doesn't have 5-10 years worth of clinical experience where he/she consistently cured the incurables (cancer, MS, MD, ALS, blindness, deafness, you name it)...then I don't bother with them OR their books and untested unproven methodologies. It may sell a lot of books and get them lots of public appearance engagements (and their name on the 'net and in the media)...but if they haven't used their theories and modalities successfully for thousands of people on hundreds of diseases...? I'm not buying into it. That basically leaves us with Dr. Schulze, his mentor Dr. Christopher, Dr Gerson...and a few others whose protocols work (like Dr. Kelley, Hulda Clark, etc. - but have the ability to cause harm, or aren't 100% natural...or do-able/affordable for most people). So what you'll hear from me, is not ME...it's a combination of these great healers - their methods & successes. What I expect from you? That you take the time to read the information offered and that you ask questions (and for more information, lol) until YOU make a decision for your OWN body that you feel comfortable with....and that you NEVER trust someone on the internet that you've never even met when it comes to your body and your health. If that's a deal - then read on! :)
i've read the post you wanted me to read, i am about to read the other link, great! and... the video you wanted me to watch, i went there but it seems to be instead a single q&a page w/ dr. schulze (to poop or not to poop... hehe) Well dangit, there USED to be a video with that - here's a link that IS a video (at least while I'm typing this): https://web0.herbdoc.com/index.php?option=com_chronocontact&chronoformnam...
Read through the last part of this post (starting with the paragraph that begins "first things first, and foremost" --required-- :), but you'll learn a LOT you really need to know, if you read the entire post :) ...give lots of thought to the part relating to our colons and how long (and how hard we've worked) to get them into their current condition: http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1372970#i This is very important, because those with lifelong constipation do NOT usually get over it in a few months - sometimes it take several years to undo damage & weakness that happened over several decades. (Sheesh, it sometimes takes a stroke victim more than a year of intense therapy to undo damage that happened in a split second). However, depending upon you (what healthy choices you're willing to make & apply) it can likely be undone and healed MUCH faster.
This forum has many "personalities"...some folks just stop in occasionally to get some information and share a testimony or two; some just ask a question and we never see them again, but the 'core' is made up of some absolutely wonderful people...and we accept everybody as 'part of the healing family' no matter what the issue or problem. Nobody is "judgmental" or critical of anyone else (well, maybe they are ONE time, until *I* see it...lol)...because with the body being a trinity (body, soul & spirit...each part affecting the other), there's no place for judgmentalism, criticism OR being squeamish (lol). So "fit in" however suits yer fancy...but do expect that I may ask questions that don't seem to have much to do with 'the issue at hand' or be 'too personal', or just plain "blunt"...but that's because I know that when it comes to healing the body, that ALL aspects must be considered. There's not one person on this forum (but me) that's not totally anonymous...so please feel free to share what you need to share, to be able to take control of your health and heal yourself (and also please feel free to NOT be a part of our lil' "haven of healing").
i'll give you as best information as i can but, i've tried so many things for colon cleansing alone that i don't remember all of them or how long i took them... i'm pretty sure i took dr. schulze's formulas 1&2 (yellowish labels?) for one month each, and a seemingly similar formula i purchased from relfe.com (southern something or other, formula 1&2) for another month after 1 month off from the schulze ...and i've taken a system called enuvia with 3 parts (parasite, movement, and probiotic) and, an entire regimen with a similar name called ejuva... each of these i guess has been 1 month apart and 1-2 months on, up to now, as far back as that would take me...
(and at one point, long ago, i took dr. christopher's bowel product...) Okee-dokee, so you've done a few different things, tried a lot of different products, but never did much of anything longer than a month or two. So we can be pretty sure that healing is going to take longer than that (something which I basically knew anyway). Here's some questions for you. When you did the Schulze/Relfe IF#1/#2, how many capsules of the #1 formula did you need to achieve 3 bms daily (or did you ever take enough to achieve 3 bms daily?) And if you didn't, why not? When you did the #2 formula, did you take it in capsules, or in powder mixed with juice/water? And how many doses per day did you take? When you did the Enuvia system: how many capsules of the colon formula did you take daily? how many bowel movements daily did you achieve with that? did you see any parasites in the parasite phase? Same questions with the Ejuva. If you remember, how many capsules of LBB did you need to achieve 3 bms daily? Whew, that was a lot of questions...and I haven't even started.
What level of "constipation"? and for how long?...can you ever remember having 1 bm daily? If you didn't you ANY product or protocol right now, how many bms would you have weekly?
Age/height/weight (proportionate? you don't have tell how much you weigh if you don't want to).
Other health issues?
Diet - it is VERY important that tell it like it is :)
How much pure water do you ingest daily? How much "other" fluids, and what ARE the other fluids?
Take a typical week of eating. What % "processed food"; what % meat & dairy; what % fruits & vegetables (canned or cooked)? what % raw? any organics? how about grains - what kind/how often?
i know this info is all over the place so, whatever you can do is more than enough....... thank you, thank you, thank you... you're welcome, welcome, welcome! Now let's get down to physiological basics - but first, I've got a (maybe) uncomfortable question.
Throughout all your posts regarding colon health, you are very insistent that you don't want to do enemas...and that 'sounds an alarm' in my healing spirit. I, too, never wanted to do enemas (the reason was that my family was very "poop private" and very religious. The concept of touching my 'bottom' was VERY uncomfortable to me...but that bothered me, because I was learning about coffee enemas and I thought I needed to do them). So I kept learning more about coffee enemas, and finally 'got up the gumption' to learn to do them...and of course, I'm glad I did. People not wanting to 'stick things up their behinds' doesn't usually concern me that much...but enemas have been suggested to you several times (as well as colonics), and you seem VERY sincere about wanting to heal yourself and get over this issue with constipation. So I'm wondering? Have you experienced some type of emotion trauma regarding something that would relate to enemas, or your rectum/anus/bowel? Because if you did, that could be at the root of your constipation issues, and NO amount of cleansing or herbal products will heal anything like that. I hope you know, I don't mean to be "personal", but your replies/posts about not doing enemas seems to be somehow more 'intense' than the typical "non enema person". Enemas/colonics would really help you progress faster, so please read through this, and let me know how it makes you feel: http://www.ralphmoss.com/coff.html (just fyi, coffee enemas do increase peristalsis throughout your entire intestinal tract, not just in the last six inches where the solution is retained).
As you saw, 80% of all women that saw Dr. Schulze for "period issues" were cured after they did a thorough colon cleanse. Why is this? First, let's take a look at some pictures. The last picture is a "typical" picture (leaving WAY too much space between the organs, when there's actually none at all). But the first two are more correct.
First, identifiy the sigmoid colon:
Next, this is a much more realistic picture of the complete female digestive tract (be sure and note where the sigmoid colon is (and how much space around it there is not):
Now look at where the uterus and ovaries are in relationship to the sigmoid colon & rectum (this is the one with WAY too much space between the organs, the uterus is almost completely eneveloped by the sigmoid colon, not to mention the other parts):
So, in a nutshell, when we have constipation and mucoid plaque (and the vast amount of gas that's produce by putrefying food), it causes the lower colon to swell...and that swelling crushes and squeezes the uterus & ovaries, causing all KINDS of female issues. But virtually NO one has EVER had a gynecologist mention ANYthing about their colon being the cause of their "issue". But how could it NOT be? Missy, I know what it feels like to vomit during my period (it used to happen regularly, especially when I was young); my flow was 'dark' (sometimes even black-ish); horrible clots and intolerable cramping (you could SEE my uterus cramping). It all went away with my first thorough cleanse. However, it's not likely to be that simple for you, as I'd always had one bm a day my entire life, and was in the midst of IBS (4-7 bms daily) when I did my first cleanse.
A swollen/engorged colon (that shuts off the flow of blood, hence oxygen) to the female organs, can be at the root cause of almost every female issue known...particulary tumors, masses, endometriosis and cancer. That's because as cells mutate due to lack of oxygen, the body starts trying to keep them together (forming tumors & masses)...which of course, causes even more compression and lack of blood/oxygen flow (not to mention infections & fungal overgrowths).
Just so you have some kind of an idea, what I'm likely going to suggest is the IF#1/IF#2 for a month at a time (IF#2 not encapsulated), along with 'therapeutic hot' cayenne powder (cayenne also induces peristalsis, sometimes VERY effectively) 3x daily, along with apple cider vinegar mixed with raw local honey or blackstrap molasses, 3x daily. I'm sending you (PM) some files to check out regarding cayenne. One of THE first things we need to do is get some circulation to your uterus/ovaries and get you some relief...and there's absolutely NOTHING that increases/enhances circulation better than cayenne. You likely should also be doing a castor oil pack over your colon nightly (easy and inexpensive), and also daily foot reflexology along your lower bowel points, free! (here's the foot reflexology chart):
Reflexology foot map - Dorling Kindersley
And of course, some good, healthy liver work to increase the flow of bile (nothing with orthosphoric acid! that stuff is harmful...and in natural healing, we use only natural herbs & foods - never any "isolated extracts", chemicals, rock minerals, or synthetic anythings), Until I hear back from you, I don't really know enough about your diet and past cleansing experiences to know exactly what I'd suggest...but I thought I'd give you an idea so you could check out our Storefront/prices so you'll have an idea of the cost (which is MUCH less than "retail" - for example, Dr. Schulze charges $22 for 2 oz of cayenne powder, and we charge $12 for 4 oz)....just so you know.
I think that covers everything until I hear back from you :) Oh yes, do you have a juicer? If so, what kind/model.
Healthiest of blessings -
Howdy Missy!
i'm so sorry, uny, i'm not sure what i did, :::grin::: well then, there's certainly NO need to be sorry! when, or how much (just, i'm sure now, *looking down* that it wasn't enough), and to answer the rest of your questions i need to like, focus, and i am having a very hard time doing it, especially because, despite having downright comfortable (for me, anyway!) bathroom visits lately, i have somehow developed my first ever in my life internal prolapsed hemorrhoid and,owee :( it's smarting so bad no matter what i do, i can't think about much else and i'm terrified to "go" now unless i can get it to retract... i have just a few capsules of serrapeptase, and got some bromelain and they seem to be helping some (and also seem to've made a small bit more of my period come out), and also butcher's broom and i'm going to try to rest and hope it retracts... confused me - internal hemorrhoids can be considered "prolapsed" but it seems to me your describing an external prolapse...since you're talking about getting it to retract. One of the best things you can do is apply an ice pack and/or a castor oil pack directly (and sitz baths are great). Don't worry about having the time or focus to reply - I'm certainly in no hurry. Internally, the things you're using may work, but generally they all take some time. Personally, I'd be ingesting LOTS of slippery elm, and applying slippery elm bark powder mixed with aloe gel profusely - both are fantastic soothers AND healers. Be sure to keep drinking copious amounts of water. How has your liver been feeling lately? You didn't just happen to do any liver related protocols in the last couple of days? or be experiencing liver pain? The reason I ask is because MANY hemorrhoids are caused by portal vein pressure. Here's the portal vein system...
...and it's not uncommon at ALL for one of the lower veins to turn into a hemorrhoid from 'backward pressure' from the liver.
i'm sorry i'm not being a good 'patient', who said you weren't being a good patient? certainly not me, silly! You're just busy, you have an owee-bottom! when you're being so amazing, taking the time to provide me all this information and counsel...and i'm not meaning to be butt-kissy, and I don't think you're being "butt kissy" either! just... when someone spends their time to help me, it's a big deal to me... i'm not very used to people caring about me...well, I guess you'll just have to "toughen up" and get used to it! (lol) I care VERY much about you (and about everybody else I do my best to help). It's because Rocky53 (my hubby) and I care SO much, that we've opened this forum and devoted our life to helping others. We're old hippies, and we still believe that we CAN change the world for the better one person at a time. So welcome to the world of being cared about - we're just doing what we think ALL people should be doing - BEING the change we want to see in this ugly ole world (until we can change enough people that we can all work together to make it "pretty" again!).
and i'm pretty embarrassed that you (had to) read my posts because of all the questions i've asked - i feel almost like some usuals probably think "oh, THAT girl again!" but ...i hurt so much...:::shaking head and finger at Missy while winking:::: Now, you can just cut that out right now, young lady! I never EVER answer posts without reading through previous posts. There's no reason at ALL for you to feel embarrassed or ashamed for wanting to know what's wrong with your body and how to heal it!
i may not be able to give you all the history you ask but, I hope you'll get me as much as you can. I can't put together puzzles without having pieces. :( one thing i can assure you, i'm definitely going to give the EFFORT my all! and i hope that even if i'm not a good 'patient', 'you' (or some of you) might still be willing to lend some knowledge when i need you? Every body here is a good patient, because every body is a good person...and so are you. Do we fall off the bandwagon sometimes while we're on these bumpy healing pathways (that were made bumpy by those that poisoned our food & water, and demented our doctors into drug pushers? Yes indeedy! Are any of us perfect? Not a chance! All I ask of anyone is that they learn why I suggest what suggest, so they'll have the knowledge and self-empowerment to do 'what it takes' to heal themselves. When we know WHY we need to do something, we'll do it. But it's almost impossible to do things when we don't understand why we're supposed to do them.
i'll be back - much to some of y'all's chagrin, i'm sure? *blush, shy smile*Oh my, what AM I going to do with you? :::smile::: There's no reason to think you're not welcome here, or that anybody is 'chagrin-ing' about you (or anything about you).
x o,
p.s. one moooore apology, uny! ...i didn't think i sounded up in arms about enemas, when someone recommended to me, i meant to only politely respond that they're just not something i'd like to try, and later i meant to only politely mention ahead of time (because it seemed likely someone was going to recommend that again) that they're just not something i'd like to try, i never, ever meant to be up in arms, or judgy, of enemas orrrr enema-proponents and i WHOLEHEARTEDLY apologize if that's the energy i put out there and i even want to say that to those who do, i stand in admiration of you because you're trying to give your body the best care you can and, i want it to pay off for you all in spades! <3 There is absolutely NO reason to apologize (and don't you dare write back and apologize for apologizing!!! lol). You were VERY polite and understanding in all your responses to those suggesting enemas & colonics. Methinks you misunderstood my point though (and don't apologize for misunderstanding! :::grin:::) You were very polite...a LOT - to me, a lot more than a person that just doesn't care for the idea of enemas. There are a LOT of people out there that don't like the idea of enemas. But I 'sensed' that with you (and perhaps I sensed wrongly, and I hope you understand if I did - because I make mistakes too)...that perhaps you had more of a problem with the idea of doing enemas than the average person. And if you do/did have 'more than a typical aversion to enemas', then perhaps you've experienced some type of trauma, or rigid upbringing, or guilt about your "poop parts" when you were little, or shame, or embarrassment (or anything like those things). And that could have something to do with the reason you have constipation...because our bodies are NOT just physical, they're mental/emotional and spiritual,too. And a mental issue can easily equal a physical issue. Just so you know, I'm glad you care about everybody, but I was concerned about you and the way YOU feel about enemas - not how you feel about anybody else doing them.
So whenever you get your owee under control, I'll be hear to go over your history and responses, and we can start putting together those puzzle pieces whenever you're ready...but since I'm working on other things now, it may take a few days to get you all the information after you post (but I'll be sure and post and let you know how long).
Hiya Missy,
I just wanted to tell you that you aren't alone in your aversion to doing an enema, I'm right there with you on that girl! I have never done anything like that and I just can't imagine what it might entail LOL. Monday I'm going to start doing research into them to find out just exactly how to even go about it, I don't have a clue!
I've read some really good things about how much they cleanse our bodies so I'm doing the research and gearing myself up to do one in the near future. I figure with 50 years on the SAD every organ in my body is probably crying out to be cleansed I just can't hear them yet LOL.
I can't even tell you why I have an aversion, I just do, I guess its because the whole concept is foreign to me but I can change that with research. Just know you aren't the only one who feels that way.