Hi Richard:
Thank you for your e-mail.
Somewhere on their website, it says that if you populate the small intestine, the colon will benefit too after a while. You do not need bifidum when taking the BioKPlus. All I can tell you is that everyone I know who has tried it, has raved about it. For me, it is the only one that worked. The owner has a vast wealth of knowledge about the stuff and, I am sure, would be glad to speak to any one with questions. I don't sell the stuff, so I am not an expert in all aspects of this product. I just know that it works. I can tell you that everyone in my family started to take it, because they saw what it did for me.
The 50 billion has nothing to do with it being an inferior product. In order to make a change, you need that much. It causes absorption in the small intestion to skyrocket. If you can get your absorption and leaky gut healed, that can make all the difference. My friend even went so far as to say it saved her life. That is quite a testimony.
You may not believe that it works. That's ok. But is it fair to make a judgement without first trying it?
Thanks again for your e-mail.