Recently I posted an article from Pravda which said that colloidal silver beats the Swine Flu and that their choice of sources was Utopia Silver. Today, Utopia Silver received the following testimonial:
All I can say is that a few months ago, while listening to the Alex Jones show, I heard the add for Utopia Silver. At the time I had no idea what so ever what "silver" even was. I did some research on the Utopia site and I decided to order a few bottles. I fugured I would keep them at hand in case of a tooth infection, etc. Well, thank god I had the silver because three weeks ago when the "swine flu" broke out here in NY, my whole family got it. I immediately gave them the Utopia Silver and they were all back to normal within two days. I know it was swine flu because it was confirmed by a doctor, through a nose swab. I can't be without Utopia Silver ever again. I never believed it would work like that. It's amazing stuff and now I always have it in stock. I have told everyone I know and I urge everyone to please buy it. It can really save your life. Thank you Utopia Silver !!!!!!!