If you have taken all the test, VCUG, Ultrasounds, etc. and everything is normal - STOP the
Antibiotics they are making matters worse!
My daughter suffered for two years with urinary tract infections. She was on one
Antibiotic after another; she even stayed on a low dose of Macrodantin for a whole year. We visited two different Urologist and went through all the standard testing, VCUG, etc. All tests came back normal and the only thing left for them to do was to prescribe more
Antibiotics .
Unfortunately, the E-Coli Bacteria is one that has little hooks on them and they adhere to the lining of the bladder. The
Antibiotics hide the symptoms for a while, but they are still hooked onto the bladder wall, and the antibiotics can cause them to multiply. You can find some information about this on the Internet that explains it, and I have heard it from a couple of Doctor's. BUT, I am not a Doctor! Please do your own research.
PLEASE - find a Licensed Nutritional Supplement Specialist/Practitioner and get started on the following regiment:
Alaplex - by Standard Process (this is the wonder pill)
This is made of all natural ingredients that make a chemical called "Tannin". This will cure the bladder infection!
Ultra Flora Plus DF - by Metagenics (this is bifdobacteria & NCFM, adidophilus) this will rebuild the very important bacteria's that have been destroyed by all of the antibiotics.
Probioplex - by Metagenics (this is concentrated Whey Protein w/bioactive immunoglobulins) this is another one to help rebuild what the antibiotics destroyed.
It was very hard to switch beliefs, especially when the Medical Professionals don't support natural remedies, but I think completely different now. I removed my daughter from all antibiotics and started the regiment listed above. In just days she felt better, you could see and smell the clean urine. She had two small bouts of pain during that first week, but we broke open one of the Albaplex capsules and swallowed it down with applesauce. In less than a 1/2 hour the pain was gone. After the second week she had no more pain. We stayed on this regiment for 6 weeks and now she takes less of each and her urine analysis is normal. We go to a licensed Nutritional Supplement Practitioner who is also a chiropractor; we do receive weekly adjustments as part of a full wellness program.
Find someone who knows about these products, especially the name brands I have given you. I believe that is key. You can go to the websites for Metagenics and Standard Process to find a Practitioner.
I am not a Doctor, but a parent who has gone through a-lot with my daughter’s chronic urinary tract problems. I am very grateful that I found these natural nutritional products, which stopped the madness! I do have a Pediatrician that is a MD, and she completely agrees with this treatment for my daughter.
A very happy and relieved Mom!