Your comment:
"If it were to convince anyone it would be someone who is blind to media tactics."
I worked in the media in a high end position for many years. I know the tactics and this video was the icing on the cake for me.
I did check as many sources though because that's what you do when you want to verify something. Other intelligent people can see it too based on the facts that Alex and many others not associated with Alex document and contioue to document daily.
I have talked to all kinds of people. Many are able to see it, others seem to refuse the undeniable information. Some deny the alternative health information offered on this site too buying into the government backed propoganda that its quackery and that mainstream is the only way.(follow the money)
If there was no truth in this video they would have him locked up for slander faster than you can say conspiracy.
*asking again* Did you read the patriot acts 1 and 2 for yourself yet. Also, what "facts" convinced you about the WACO conspiracy? Did you corroborate those "facts"?
It takes patience and reading, reading and more reading from many sources. Always question motives. Who has something to gain or hide. Who is connected to whom. Probably one of the more important rules in flushing out
Conspiracy among theories is to follow the money. Look at all the stuff from every which angle and then you will see it. Plain as the nose on your face. I hope.
I realize Bush is a sacred cow for some. You say you trust Bush? Based on what? Because he "SAID" he was a christian. Hmmmmm.
Why else? Cute staged photo opps?
Interesting how the ENRON stuff just died down huh. Oh and then there was that little addition to the patriot act that released pharmeceutical companies from being sued due to damage from vaacinations. Theory? Check it out. Also interesting that when anyone wants to call the government on anything, key evidence is always snapped up and hidden away in the name of national security. Theory? Check it out.
I would also invite others to watch the video and comment.