Hi #88964
Your question on another forum:
I have had trouble my whole life with my hormones and had DCIS (early stage Breast Cancer ) at 27. My mom had breast cancer at 42 and her sister (my aunt) at 32. I am fine as the cancer was stage ) but they still gave me mastectomy (modern medicine at its finest). I embarked on a health journey and have found lots of answers in a lot I do. I love Curezone and think it has done wonders for my health. I fell on the MORELESS forum and think his drink is great. However, I take 1 tablespoon a day of the kelp and my one breast absolutely kills me lately before my period. I know this can't be good so I read the posts on this forum as well as the ML and posted a question about why this is happening.
The answer is that kelp is just not enough and I believe that. How could it be, if I am taking 1 tab. a day for almost 2 years and I still have the cysts in my breast.
Answer: The Fear of the Unknown is always the Greatest Fear most folks may face.
You ask How can you not be taking enough Kelp to help solve your Cancer problems when you have been taking 1 Tablespoonful a day for almost 2 years?
I do not mean this in a Negative way, but according to your earlier posts in this forum you were taking only 1 teaspoonful prior to 6/4/2009.
To provide clarification for you to consider what you have stated above may not be the whole Truth:
You Posted on 6/7/2009
To summarize without boring everyone:
* Started drink 1.5 years ago.
* Take it every day with 1 tablespoon kelp, 1 tablespoon black strap molasses, 3 tablespoons calcium, 2 pinches of epsom salt and 1/2 lemon.
* This drink was the first thing in my life that has changed my health. I used to suffer many health problems and this has solved 80% of them.
* When I first started, I felt swollen salivary glands off and on for the first year. Got through that and don't feel that anymore.
* Own a refractometer and test my fruits and vegetables and really work hard to follow the principals taught here.
* Love the baths and take them as often as possible (with 3 kids it is a little tough)
* My sixteen year old daughter takes it and just got one of her friends to start learning about ph.
* Just this month have started my son on it and his dandruff all but disappeared (3 years and many posts on here about it, he didn't want to take the drink)
Maybe I can share with you a way for you to understand Why you may still have problems or have concerns of problems?
Consider that your Lymphatic Fluids of your body may make up more than 5 gallons of liquid?
5 gallon times 8# per gallon = 40 pounds
This should be a reasonable figure to consider unless your total body weight is Less than 60 pounds!
Now consider if your Lymphatic Fluids have a pH of Less than 6 ph. You stated on 4/23/2008 that your body was Very Acidic. To me that would fit in below 6 pH and more than likely below 5 pH.
ACV has a pH of 5% Acidity.
Prior to 6/4/2009 you said you were taking only 1 teaspoonful of kelp.
After 6/4/2009 you say you have been taking 1 Tablespoonful each day of different kinds of Kelp.
Based upon if you were taking 1 Tablespoonful of Kelp each Day, let us consider a few ideas.
Take just one gallon of distilled water and add enough ACV to bring the pH down below 6 pH.
Now take this gallon and add 1 tablespoonful of Kelp.
Let this sit for a Day to allow the kelp to react with the water.
Now check the pH and see if it has become Alkaline with this small amount of kelp or if it is still Acidic.
Then start pouring some Baking soda into this water to see if this produces any fizz reaction as it Neutralizes some of these Excess Acids.
Remember you may have more than 5 gallons of Lymphatic Fluids in your body weighing over 40 pounds, not just 1 gallon of Excess Acids.
By this Simple experiment it may be possible for you to come to understand that just 1 Tablespoonful of kelp may not be enough to overcome the Excess Acidity Causing Cancer to be!
Also as I have stated before that Cancer may come from an Excess of Nitrogen waste!
So the question you may want to ask yourself is, do any of the foods you eat contain any NPN?
The Refractometer you have shall reveal this by showing a Sharp Line as the reading!
Iodine is not the answer by it's self, as Iodine may Cause your Lymphatic Fluids to become More Acidic, unless you are able to supply your Lymphatic Fluids with enough of the needed Alkaline Minerals Electro-magnetic Energy!
This is some of Why I suggest using Kelp vs Elemental Iodine. We can easily provide our Iodine requirements by the intake of Kelp plus get the needed Alkaline Minerals and Live Carbons to Neutralize and Buffer Excess Acids.
Cancer may be Caused because this area of our body becoming too Acidic!
Most of the time this may be from a Excess of Nitrogen Waste!
Elemental Iodine does NOT Remove Nitrogen Waste!
Stop, Prevent, Neutralize and Remove this Excess Nitrogen waste and Cancer shall flee from your body!
I Hope you take this as a Positive post ment to help you understand Why you may still have these problems!
1 Tablespoonful of kelp by it's self cannot Neutralize all of these Excess Acids and Remove this Excess Nitrogen Waste causing your Cancer!
If you are able to Stop the intake of all NPN, then you shall require Less Kelp to do the job!
The More NPN you ingest shall also require More Kelp to overcome!
The pinch of Epsom Salt will help in this removal of Excess Nitrogen Waste, but it cannot prevent all the damage being done by this Nitrogen Waste while in the body!
Maybe this post will help you better understand:
Cause and Effect!
Choose Life or Death this Day!
"WE" are What "WE" Eat!
Smile Tis your choice.