Hi, this is not forum on sinusitis. All i see is a bunch of people winge. Now
if we want to find cures than let each one of us here try a method - either
spray or drops of solutions or ingest something.
Now i have tried so far:
ginger tea
oregano tea
rosemary tea
steroid nasal sprays - all available ones
saline nasal spray/ douches
immunotherapy injections
thyme tea
dandelion tea
vitamin C
Vitamin D, Vitamin A
Vitamin B5, B6
Tissue salts - what a load of crap
Garlic - fresh and in capsules
watermelon capsules
chinese herbs
fish oil
flaxseed oil
Xylitol sugar
and a lot more
And I can say they all do not help. SO now can you guys try some other things and tell us what does not work so we don't repeat it and waste our time. All of us here have a responsibility to try new things and let everyone here know. This is what a forum should be.
If there are any drug reps out there trying to pretend to sell your product which does not work then I DECLARE a curse on you and your whole family to be burned/crucified and have the worse fate ever, you guys should be shot or hit by a car - so don't try.
Please EVERYONE try to work together and find a cure. I am doing my bit.