You said it brother. Hard to contain myself too.
Saw my mom this eve. Passed the TV and it had Palin's image on it. Mom got all excited because she is prepared for anything to come out of my mouth... her little boy (me) can be highly entertaining. "What do you think?" I said it was the greatest thing ever. She braced... "why?" Because if she dials into a political race, it will be unlimited entertainment for the next 3 years. Because she will do more to unify a political party and divide another one than almost anyone except everyone. She bit... "which party is which?" You have to ask? I never answered and then left. The drama has begun.
Palin is not the problem. It is the people who will follow and support this. It is stunning how easily led, and how stupid, people can be. Let the games begin. My bet is Oprah is working a deal for a TV show. Because I don't think Mrs Palin wants to take the time to read a newspaper and be prepared for the next hard question, like, what newspapers she reads.
My question is, which Palin daughter is going to get knocked up next, and how will the evangelicals spin that one. Sorry to anyone I have offended. Not a very PC comment, but hey, Palin has managed to lower the bar when I thought it could not get much lower.