YAY!!!! >>>> I did notice that after my practice, my liver area was MUCH less swollen...<<<<
Many people are able to "unclog" their liver faster by doing liver massage (compressing the liver between both hands, one hand on the backside of the torso, one on the front side)....so what you're reporting sounds EXCELLENT to me!
(There are many different varieties of 'liver massage', not just the one I briefly explained above. Also when directly massaging the liver --something that DOES have the 'potential for harm'-- if you're going to do it, don't be more aggressive than you *know* is safe, and be sure to massage from the outer right of the body toward the middle). Like I said, there are many varying techniques.
On a quick note, this: >>>and per Uny, I have a "compromised liver".. (lots of flukes.. lots of stones.. problems with digestion... heartburn.. etc.. )<<<
Folks (EVERYBODY!): I am NOT a doctor (I'm especially not YOUR doctor OR YOUR doctor within) - I only give my opinion of what your symptoms seem to add up TO ME! 'Tis always your responsibility to read & learn & interpret & take responsibility for your OWN body. Me just a teacher :)
Willowwisp, yoga is always good - but it's not this (below previous recommendations), nor is it likely to increase your metabolism OR weight loss :(
>>>>--Exercise - you MUST increase your metabolism, and while your liver is compromised (which will likely be for several more months), it's even more important to SWEAT! I've been worse than where you are in the weight category, so I know it likely won't take very much effort to work up a sweat 3x daily (likely less than 5 minutes). If that's the case, then 5 minutes at a time it is! (and yes, just that much WILL help immensely!) Marching in place while moving your arms like jumping-jacks is GREAT for increasing heart rate, flow, circulation and working up a sweat...if you do that after each dose of cayenne (4x a day), you'll likely see vast improvements with the weight issue.
--Hot/Cold showers - every day, no exceptions. 2 minutes hot, then one minute of cold, one minute of hot...until you've done 7 cycles of hot/cold. This is NOT just for "physical flow" (which you need - you HAVE to get that oxygenated blood pumping through your organs, especially your liver!)...but it's also for emotional flow (and from what you report about depression, mood swings & anger) you NEED to get some serious emotional flow going - and there's no better/easier way than hot/cold showers! I tell you what, the first time you turn that hot water totally off and that cold water hits you, you WILL have emotional flow...and you should SCREAM and CUSS and LET IT OUT! Willowwisp, for the most part, everything that is wrong with you happened to you was not actually your fault (although technically everything was your responsibility)- but "they" lied to you (and to us all)...and that's the main reason you made bad choices. Doesn't that make you MAD? Aren't you FURIOUS that you have to spend all this money and do all this to heal yourself?! (I know I am!!!) LET IT ***OUT!!!*** Scream! Cry! Sob! Rage! PURGE! when the cold hits you. And then let that glorious hot water wash all that POISON down the drain.<<<<
"Report In Please" :) On 6/25 (last Thursday) I suggested:
These are the things you likely either 'hand on hand' or could have easily gotten from a local health food store/market
--Do the above daily
--Add Cayenne
--Add Apple Cider Vinegar (and blackstrap molasses)
--Add Castor Oil packs nightly (most can get locally)
--Add daily
coffee enemas (most can find an enema bag & organic coffee locally)
The other things you would have likely had to order from us or get off the 'net
--Daily Superfood
--Liver tea & tincture
--St. John's Wort tincture
You said: >>> I start Uny's liver cleanse herbal tea and tinctures later this week.<<< And you mean Superfood, too...right? We simply canNOT expect our engines to run without fuel...and when we're cleansing and healing our engines need even MORE fuel.
So, let's here what all you've added (and/or why you haven't added them) and how it's working out! (assuming you want my continued 'teacher-ing') And how's the weight doing now?
You're doing good with the yoga - RAMP IT UP! :o)
Healthiest of blessings -