Wow, I gave some silver water I made with 3 nine volt batteries and pure silver wire (14 gauge from CC Silver & Gold, online) to friends and they had fast results. The one with Crohn's Disease started passing the most foul-smelling gas as the sulphur-loving bacteria habitating the gut was dying off. The one with black toenails only took it three days before the toenail started growing in normally with the black receding as new growth took over. And back and muscle pains were down for both probably because all the relaxing magnesium the Candida and fungus were snitching and binding for the use by these
parasites was now released into the system to sooth muscles.
Get three 9 volt batteries and hook them up positive to negative (red to black using Radio Shack 9 volt battery clips; and alligator clips at the ends for the silver wires) to create 27 volts, get 12" of silver wire, cut in two, and place them through holes in a thin piece of wood laying suspended over distilled water for 20 minutes with the wires 3/8" parallel and not touching. Clip the wires on top side of the board of course to keep them dry and not touching. Make your own super
Antibiotic cheap and good! Be careful how you store the 9 volt batteries because if they touch metal, like coins in your pocket, they can short out and start a fire. Blessings! Get flu proof today! No bug can resist pure silver.