...because no matter WHAT it is, your body has the infinite capacity to restore itself! All we have to do is figure out what is wrong and give it all the help for which it's so desperately crying out. So you can put your fears to rest (for SURE!) and let's get down to work getting you some relief :)
Before we get it started, Emma (just to let you know in advance, so you don't think I've 'abandoned' you, or am ignoring you)...as I'm starting this post it's 9:00am and I've been up all night long - so when I crash (likely around noon, when I get caught up on some more posts), I likely won't even be back at the computer until 8-9pm...and depending upon emails, pms, phone calls and my own 'life', I might not get started answering posts again until midnight or after.
Also, I clicked on your # to see if I could find any of your past posts, but I can only find this one - so there's lots of questions that need answered before I can suggest a protocol that will address all your issues (because I don't have enough information to know what all your issues actually are) - but I've got enough information to be able to help you "out of crisis"...and that's always a good place to start :)
Firstly, although I'm sure it seems to you that this issue centers totally around your liver (with some colon issues), it's important to understand tha unlike allopathic doctors, we know that ALL organs/systems of the body work together - so there's generally no way to just isoloate one organ and achieve a complete healing. But like I said, we can get 'that organ' out of crisis...and yes, I agree, you'll get some substantial relief by giving your liver (and colon) some serious attention.
I'm going to go ahead and address what issues you've listed further below (as thoroughly as I can), but if you'd like to get to the bottom of all this, then please answer the following:
Age? children? complications in pregnancy? weight proportionate to height?
Do you work? stay at home? have family/spouse to help you?
Typical diet 'now & then'
How many bowel movements do you have daily/weekly (not just 'now', but in the past years) - color/consistency?
How much pure water do you drink daily? other beverages? caffeinated?
Current/past pharmaceuticals? otc's? supplements?
Specifically, when you had the bad bout of flu around Christmas, did you take any pharmaceuticals/antibiotics, if so, what kind?
Ever see any parasites? or do a parasite cleanse?
Do you have a juicer? If so, what kind/model (when you're doing reading this post, come back and read these two links:
JUICE-FASTING: The POWERFUL healing therapy!
Am desperate - can barely function - can hardly eat or drink and having a shower requires maximum effort. I'm sorry to here you're so exhausted - I know that's really rough (not to mention scary) My liver is very sick. From what you say below, it sure sounds like that's the case (along with some colon issues, too?) Have flushed 4 times with the Epsom Salts and OO/Grapefruit juice and got lots of stones out "Lots of stones" is great! But what is "lots of stones" to you? 10-50 per flush? 100's? 'Flushed 4 times...in a week? a month? 6 months? Since Christmas I have been in serious decline - got a bad bout of flu and have never felt right since. Other than drugs/antibiotics you might have taken, is there anything else about that flu that you feel was significant? Digestion is terrible - light colour floated stools other than the light/float bms, specifically how is your digestion 'terrible'? Some foods worse than others? which? /very painful periods/painful periods are most often colon related, but there can be other reasons...not usually liver. chronic pain in right chest - where the liver is...when you say "right chest" and "where the liver is", can you be more specific. For example, tell me where the pain is in relationship to your right breast/nipple - and rib cage (I'm not being insulted, I know you're likely sure where your liver is :::grin::: it's just 'more information' is always better). Also, are you having any back or right shoulder pain? - almost constant nausea. Is the nauseau better or worse after eating? anything in particular make it worse/better? does it cause you to throw up? Just feel weak and awful and am very scared. It's scary to have all those symptoms for sure!
I have been doing my reading around Curezone and particularly this forum (for others reading, this was originally posted in the Liver Flush forum).
I would greatly appreciate some opinions - I think this is my plan based on what i have read and what i think i can tolerate. I'm glad to help however I can :)
I am going for accupunture everyday from tomorrow for a week to try a treatment to try and help the stagnancy in my liver. Accupuncture is always good if you have an experienced practitioner. I am also going for a colonic on Tuesday to try and see if some of the pain is caused by fecal matter backing up in my colon. Colonics are also VERY good (always)! However, I'm having a hard time relating this kind of pain in your liver (along with the nausea) to congestion in your lower colon...although congestion in the colon can certainly cause pain/symptoms anywhere.
I can't do another flush with epsom salts - I honestly think I would end up in the mental asylum. I understand completely - I am HIGHLY reactived to Epsom Salts. I am magnesium deficient how did you come to know that? because having a "bad reaction" to ES doesn't necessarily mean you're deficient in magnesium. and react very badly to the salts - they deplete my body so much - I feel utterly exhausted before I even take the oil. Yes, they can throw your electrolytes ENTIRELY out of balance and they are extremely dehydrating, as well. When you did the liver flushes, did you drink plenty of water after 2pm, or none? (the instructions for drinking no water after 2pm NEED to changed - it's very harmful to take Epsom Salts without staying hydrated adequately). Just so you know, when I take the typical dose of ES in a Hulda Clark flush, I become extremely light-headed, dizzy, nauseated, clumsy and almost totally "brain dead"...and generally I end up with aching kidneys. I have done over a dozen flushes totally without Epsom Salts (or worse yet, phosphoric acid) and many more when I only use a tablespoon of ES. I have never EVER had a problem flushing without them...and Dr. Schulze had folks doing full liver flushes (as well as his 5 day liver cleanse) - all in all he flushed well over 5,000 livers and NEVER used Epsom Salts. So you can breath a sigh of relief and be assured, you do NOT have to ever take ES again in order to cleanse and heal your liver. By the way, as far as Dr. Schulzes 5 day liver cleanse (here: http://curezone.com/schulze/herbal_5day_liver_cleanse.asp
)...it is NOT as effective as a typical 'full flush' like you've been doing, but it is the perfect way to PREP your liver for a big flush - so this is something I feel you should put on your "seriously consider" list. The Liver/Detox/Digestion tea that you take with this flush (or can order separately) is absolutely fantastic to sooth & calm your digestion (and helps to relieve nausea) - it will help even more if you add a bit of ginger juice or crushed root to the tea. (Ginger is the herbal kindgdom's strongest 'anti nausea' herb...other than cannabis).
So I thought that on Wed after my colon is nice and clean after the colonic While doing one colonic will indeed clean the debris from your lower colon, it's nothing like doing the full & thorough colon cleanse that you likely SO desperately need to do (everybody needs that if they haven't done it), and doesn't keep up with maintenance cleansing several times yearly. Definitely get that colonic done (they're always good), just don't think that means your colon is deeply nice and clean - it'll only be clean for a day or so afterwards - one colonic isn't enough to removed decades of mucoid plaque. that I would do some Castor Oil packs to open my bile ducts If your liver were my liver, I'd have a castor oil pack on in right now! (at least 2-3 hours during the day, and definitely all night, every night for a week in a row). We don't completely understand the action of castor oil, but it does a LOT more for the liver than just open bile ducts. For example, a few weeks ago I started having some 'gallbladder twinges' (something I've never had before), so I started doing 2 coffee enemas daily (this was after two very odd flushes that yielded virtually nothing but biliary sludge, but CUPS of biliarly sludge). Anyway, the Coffee Enemas (furthermore abbreviated CE's) were very helpful, but the twinges kept returning. And one night, the the little irritating twinges turned into a bit more than a twinge, and I actually had pain in my gallbladder. Well, "no problem", says I, "I know exactly what to do" (I didn't have any time to do a flush and had to get back to the computer). So, (dreadful as they are) I took a tablespoon of Epsom Salts (knowing the pain would immediately resolve)...but it did NOT! Huh? That's crazy...well, okay, I'll do a mini-flush then...and mixed 2 tablespoons of ginger juice (also a chologogue that makes bile flow) 2 tablespoons of olive oil, and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice), drank it and layed down for 15-20 minutes. Virtually NO relief! ??? Okay, now this IS crazy. So I did another coffee enema and had my hubby do some deep foot reflexology...and after the foot reflexology (by far the most effective of anything I'd done), the pain dropped back to "semi-pain" but still more than a twinge (it SHOULD have been gone). :::eyeroll::: I was SO irritated with the whole thing and just said "forget it, let it twinge". About two hours later I went to bed and slapped a castor oil pack over my liver, and within 15 minutes the pain AND twinges were TOTALLY gone, my liver was smiling, and I didn't have another 'twinge' for several days. The moral of this story? NEVER UNDERESTIMATE CASTOR OIL PACKS FOR THE LIVER!. and then take the oil and then do a plain enema, followed by a coffee enema, followed by more plain enemas to try and ease the congestion in my liver -
Info: plain water enemas do little to nothing to affect your liver, and then only temporarly cleanse the colon as high as the water goes...which is generally only to the last six inches of the colon. If you're going to combine enemas and liver flushing (which IS a great idea), then make sure to do it logically and effectively. If you understand the mechanism of a liver flush--
--that you eat nothing all day long that's fatty, so you don't release any bile
--and the liver creates up to a quart and half of bile daily
--then we drink the oil/citrus potion, and that triggers the liver to release all the bile it's made/saved during the day (a quart to quart and a half of bile)...and that release of bile flooding through the biliary network is what "flushes" out the debris.
--that actually ALL happens (generally speaking) within 30 minutes after ingesting the oil/citrus potion...and for the rest of the night the bile that was released continues to work it's way through the liver/gallbladder and downward through the intestinal tract.
--The best KIND of enema do to is a coffee enema, because a CE triggers the liver to release more bile (which can push out any stones or debris that is lingering 'near the exit' that didn't come quite out with the bile from the oil/citrus potion) ...and maybe more importantly, a coffee enema increases peristaltic action in the intestinal tract SUBSTANTIALLY! (peristalsis the muscular squeezing action of the intestines). In fact, many people (myself included) have done a coffee enema and seen liver/gallstones in the toilet when releasing the coffee solution! That means that the enema caused enough bile to be released that stones came out of the gallbladder AND the enema caused enough squeezing and muscular action along 30 feet of intestines, that the gallstones traveled from the gallbladder to the toilet in LESS than 30 minutes! Now THAT is some major peristaltic action! A water enema does nothing but rinse out the last 6-8 inches of the rectum/lower sigmoid colon
My suggestion for doing a full liver flush without Epsom Salts, and using CE's?
--As usual, eat no fatty foods all day and stop eating at 2:00pm
--If you don't normally have 2-3 bm's daily, then do a coffee enema in the early evening to clean out your intestinal tract. Make sure you brew a coffee enema for the next morning/day (you will do 2 coffee enemas the following day)
--Before bed, drink 1/2 - 3/4 cup of olive oil and a 1/2 - 3/4 cup of lemon or grapefruit juice. You can add 2-3 tablespoons of ginger root juice to the oil to encourage the release of bile AND to prevent nausea. If you tend to be naueous when flushing, take a piece of ginger root to bed with you, or brew up a strong cup of ginger tea to have at the bedside.
--Next morning, wake up and have your first bowel movement. If you don't normally have a bowel movement in the morning, then definitely do the first coffee enema within an hour of waking up...it is IMPERATIVE to get the liver debris out of our intestinal tract as quickly and effectively as possible. A typical coffee enema is 4 cups of coffee to 4 cups of water (brought to a boil, the covered/simmered for 10-15, and strained through a stainless/mesh strainer). One can do all four cups of solution at the same time, OR do 2 cups of the solution (retain 15-20 minutes & expel) then do the other 2 cups of solution. This is known as a 'back to back' coffee enema, and it's VERY effective to do this the day after a liver flush. Sometime after lunch, do another coffee enema (or a back-to-back coffee enema) to ensure you've gotten all the debris from the liver flush out of the intestinal tract. If you don't feel you've gotten out all the debris, it's perfectly alright to do another coffee enema in the evening...Dr. Gerson had MANY of his patients doing 4 coffee enemas daily.
Another thing I feel you should start doing immediately, is taking 2-3 tablespoons of ground Milk Thistle seeds daily. The reason? There's FAR more to the health and healing of every organ/system in our body than just cleaning out the debris! Yes, your liver is obviously clogged, but that doesn't mean that's the only thing wrong with it!
Milk Thistle Seed and Powder Profile
The Liver (Milk Thistle) - David L. Hoffmann B.Sc. (Hons), M.N.I.M.H. - HealthWorld Online
(Please do NOT take milk thistle "extract", use only the ground organic seed). Read this to understand why: http://home.roadrunner.com/~thadson/savelife/schulze/articles/06curedisaster4...
You can get it at Mountain Rose Herbs or Pacific Botanicals
Milk Thistle seed is fantastic for the liver in MANY different ways (see above)...and it's very safe and easy to take (it has virtually no flavor of it's own, so it's perfect in a Superfood smoothie)....which brings me to another point - SUPERFOOD! http://curezone.com/schulze/handbook/superfood.asp
Even when we're eating an "optimum diet" (which few actually do) we are getting about half the nutrition from the produce that we did 50-80 years ago...so we NEED to have adequate fuel for our bodies to run on....and that's why everybody alive should take a minimum of 2T daily. But when we're SICK and CLEANSING and asking our already deprived body to expend MORE energy when it's already weak & exhausted? We need at least 4T daily (I take 4T daily, and 6T when I'm cleansing). We have Superfood Original (for vegans and juice fasters) and Superfood Special Blend (for those still eating meat & dairy) in our Storefront. Each baggie contains enough for 2T daily for a month.
am convinced all my problems stem from here - you obviously DO have liver issues (or it certainly sounds that way from what I know), but liver issues CAN stem from the colon. 90% of all the water we drink assimilates into the bloodstream (directly to the liver) after it seeps through the layers of putrefying, acidic, toxin/poison laden mucoid plaque in our lower colon. When we don't thoroughly and consistently keep our colon cleansed, we poison our liver every time we drink water and digest food...only about 16 hours a day :( If you start reading 'the archives' of the liver flush forum, you'll find countless people that have had to flush their livers 40-50 times (and many are still flushing) - one of THE main reasons for that is that they've never done a thorough colon cleanse and/or they refuse to stop ingesting toxic foods & drugs. But even if we do STOP ingesting poisons, there's still decades worth of mucous/mucoid plaque that contains decades worth of poisons. :::sigh::: In truly natural (and successful!) healing, we need to address the "cause" not just the symptom...and sometimes that means looking for and identifying the cause BEHIND the apparent cause!
and I am honestly losing my sanity - I am struggling just to make it through each hour - never mind each day and I am determined not to go near the hospital and super strength painkillers that just make me feel worse.
You don't need to lose your sanity! :) You just need a sane healing plan & protocol! It's FANTASTIC to stay away from hospitals, doctors & meds...statistically they are the 3rd leading cause of DEATH in the US (and the JAMA admits it). Who it their right mind would choose "the third leading cause of death" as their first treatment option? I'm glad you wouldn't!
Does this sound like a good plan - or should I try some coffee enemas
first without doing the oil before. Here is what I would do if I were you:
--Start juice fasting immediately (you'll understand why when you read the first link in the post)
--Superfood - 4T daily (your body will LOVE you for giving it the basic fuel it so desperately needs right now, and you'll have SO much more energy)
--Castor oil pack on liver 2 hours, 2x daily, and castor oil pack all night, every night for at least one week
--At least one coffee enema daily (organic coffee from S.A. Wilsons: S.A. Wilson's Enema coffee for coffee enemas
) and regular liver flushing without Epsom Salts as I described above (one flush every 7-10 days)
--Dr. Schulzes Five Day Liver Cleanse to use as a fantastic "prep" for your next liver flush. Why would you want to "prep" your liver for your next flush?:
--30 days worth of GOOD colon cleansing (IF#1...those are the herbs that 'make you go' and IF#2, that is the deep cleansing fiber solution). You can read more about it here:
Dr Schulze 2001 Bowel Newsletter
--2-3 tablespoons of ground Milk Thistle Seed daily; you can order that at either of these two places:
Pacific Botanicals :: Product Map (A-Z)
Mountain Rose Herbs | Bulk organic herbs, spices & essential oils
You can get the Superfood, the 5 Day liver cleanse tincture/tea, and the Colon Cleansing products in our Storefront (for about 1/2 the cost of buying them directly from Dr. Schulze). Here's the link for that if you're interested: Herbal Apothecary
I am so scared I am crying typing this email - pathetic right - but I honestly feel like my body is in meltdown and I have little fight left in me. I understand how you feel (I really do), but you don't need to feel that way ANY more! You have a LOT more "fight" left in you...I'm sure of it! It's HARD to fight when you don't understand what you're fighting, and you don't know if your plan is right (AND you're exhausted, and in pain and scared). But you don't have to worry about all that any more. The advice I've just given you is NOT from me...it the same advice that natural healers that cured tens of thousands of people in this century, gave to THEIR patients. This forum isn't about "me" - it's about me spreading the truth, products & protocols of the greatest healers of this centurty. If you follow the suggested protocol (above) you'll likely feel SO much better in two weeks that you can barely believe it!
Thank you all. You're MORE than welcome! Unyquity