I've noticed this every time I've done the full IP.
When you begin the Incurables Program, and I'm talking about the whole shibang, not the 30 day feel good detox cleanse, you freak out because there is SO much to do. It's easy to become overwhelmed. I mean, Tellie just got his "kit" yesterday and I think it's beginning to hit him "what's about to hit him." lol You other hunks and babes are about to get hit with it, too. Holy cow.
It'll be so much fun. :-)
For about a week, you're like "You have GOT to be kidding me." The tinctures taste TERRIBLE. The teas taste TERRIBLE. Superfood tastes TERRIBLE. The only respite you have are the fruit juices, and most of those you put IF#2 and charcoal in, so it just ruins the joy of even that. lol Sometimes I make these gorgeous juices just so I can have SOMETHING that is not revolting going down my throat.
You're constantly doing SOMETHING- showering, massaging, exercising, enema-ing, cleaning up, straining teas, washing dishes(!!!), making either juices or potassium broth, and you look FORWARD to sunning and CEs just so you can be still for a while. With a mobility issue it's even harder, because you just can't move very fast.
That first week, hang in there. It's grueling. You'll want to quit 50 bazillion times a day. Your emotions will be taken all over the map, and Holy St. Pete if you are doing a
parasite cleanse along with everything else. I remember the first time I did the IP, and it was just with the little booklet and Tom Harrelson's website, not with the Save Your Life Manual & dvds (MUST HAVE, btw, no exceptions). I just cried. I worked my hiney off that first day, and it was awful. I had my husband working with me on it back then, too, and it was still crazy. Then I had to get up and do it all again the second day. You talk about self-talk. LOL But Bob Manz was my angel back then, Southern Belle was my cheerleader, and the massive old oak tree in my back yard was my ROCK. Yeah. I talked to my tree. Still do. LOL Just lost a few of you. Yes, I'm a Christian. But YOU try curing yourself of a life-threatening illness and see what happens to YOU! Sometimes your religion can get in the way of your healing- not your faith, never your faith; your faith becomes strong and holy and pure and solid- but sometimes the religious teachings we've had conditioned into us can be a stronghold or a block, and we just have to be ready to receive the Truth, and not the traditions of men. Ya know?
OK- when you start the IP, make it your goal to get through that first week. Well, get through that first day. And then another day. And then a day, and a day. One day at a time, and tada! It adds up to a week. Amazing the way that works.
Somewhere around Day Seven... for me this time it was Day 10, so don't get rigid or religious on me, this is an art, not a science, OK? And it's your body, not mine.... You do something I call "turning the first corner." You're working so hard, and you're looking, looking, looking for SOME kind of improvement. You feel cruddy. Tired. Emotional. Stopped up. Your family is relentlessly GRIPING at you (well, mine is)- which is why it's so important to have a Healing Partner and this forum, where you get Uny ::insert angelic voices:: and me :: insert crowd cheers:: and the gang ::insert dance club music:: to give you a big Standing O every time you swallow some gorgeous, beautiful, light-filled herbs that taste OH SO DISGUSTING and take one more precious baby step toward your healing miracle.
OK, I think I'm going to be girlie on you and start to cry again. Because we love you SO MUCH and we want to see ALL of you get well and live this BLISSFUL life of happiness and health. We've seen it happen, folks, and we want it for you SO BAD.
So, the other day I posted that I had gotten out an 8
inch long piece of mucoid plaque "rope." I was kinda surprised at the lack of enthusiastic response at this, but I realize most of you are not Curezone "old-timers" and you don't realize what a Big Deal that was. Well, Uny did, and we whooped and hollered, and I kinda wanted to frame the thing or put it in a baby book or something. LOL Yeah, I drank the koolaid, y'all, and you are dealing with a couple of crazy ladies. But you knew that already. And you still hang with us. So what does that say about you, hmmmm???
Well, with that Event, I "turned the corner." The Very Next Enema after that, I got a whole 8
oz. cup of liver bile out. Yeah! Was the plaque blocking it? I dunno. Then, OK, crazy lady again, I felt like my body was telling my mind "We're in sync with what you intend," we being my cells, and there is that whole mind-body connection that sounds so Californian, but it is there. So I was like, "then bring it."
Well, what happened next was MASSIVE depression. No, no, no! I want BLISS! I want HAPPINESS! I want my vintage Mustang convertible and the White Picket Fence and the Secret Garden full of old heirloom roses and gorgeous herbs and a really sexy kitchen (trust me) and crisp cotton sheets and a library full of old books that smell good! Oh, and a big huge yard for all my future grandkids to romp around in.
But today? My bowels are KICKIN' hot (meaning amazing, not burning lol). I feel FANTASTIC! I am FLYING with energy. Everything in my body feels loose and connected and flowing and remarkable. I've lost seventeen
pounds so far- five of which I had regained when I went off the protocol (23 to goal weight, for those who are curious). Now, after WEEKS of working, I feel like I'm in a place where I can actually start making some real progress. Like something has been unblocked.
So do it, y'all. Do it. Get well. Make that paradigm shift. Get rid of the stuff in your life that is making you sick and unhappy. Step into freedom. LOVE yourself.