Bless your heart chris1, my heart goes out to you. I went through a similar experience years ago, and it is not easy. Coping? You do the best you can, sometimes the sorrow making it unbearable.
Please know that my prayers are with you during this time and that both Tony and I are here for you.
As I have told my children in certain situations as they cried their hearts out while sitting on my lap...... "Life sometimes just stinks."
God bless you chris1,
You, my dear friend, are always welcome to interrupt any thread or make any post you see fit. My time is about up for this evening's session (back to the ice pack treatment), but I just want you to know that I have big crocodile tears for you and a shoulder to lean on whenever you need one.
Thanks! Recovery is proving to be a painful and frustratingly slow process but it does seem to be happening. As time goes by I should hopefully be able to dispense more and more words of wisdom and lack thereof again. And maybe even a word or two of wit as well . . .
Special thanks goes out to my guardian angel Luella - I really have no idea what I would have done without her. I should also put in at least a word or two on behalf of my longtime friend and CZ sponsor Ben Taylor - it was he who came to East Texas to rescue me, too me to the outstanding chiro/alternative med guy in San Antonio and is giving me free room and board as well as rides three times a week for treatments (over two hour rides one way at that).
: )