To answer this question/thread:
And to answer your question via PM regarding "my" 30 day colon cleanse, and whether it's 'powder, liquid,or capsule'...
First of all, NONE of the products or protocols I recommend are "mine" (but I have tweaked a few of the products to make them a bit more effective, and I have substituted coconut oil for the olive oil/beeswax combination to created oils instead of waxy, pore-clogging 'salves').
The 30 day
Colon Cleanse I recommend & suggest is the exact same one that
Dr. Schulze formulated and used in clinical practice for over 20 years (curing thousands of patients that had 'incurable diseases' and were on death's door)...but it is NOT the same protocol that
Dr. Schulze (who has been out of clinical practice for around 20 years, that now alters his protocols & products seemingly in order to make them more popular & "saleable").
Dr. Schulze was in clinical practice and when he composed the Save Your Life program/set, here's what he said about "capsules":
>>>Then, everybody started going to capsules to where this is almost considered normal. But it isn't normal, and it doesn't work.<<<
>>>Forget capsules of dried, ground-up herbs. The colon formula mentioned earlier (IF#1) is the
only one you should make or get in capsules.<<<
The ONLY product Dr. Schulze EVER offered in capsules or tablets (until a couple of years ago) was IF#1. And he sold his IF#2 in 10 day quantities only. In the SYL information it is clear that EVERY patient he had, did a minimum of 30 days on the IF#1/IF#2 combination (and I have information that a few patients of his patients took a TABLESPOON of IF#2 5x daily, rather than common dosage of a tablespoon 5x daily).
Bottom line (no pun intended), if our digestive tract is compromised (which EVERYone's is), then the capsules are basically a waste of time & money. IF#2 was designed to be mixed with water/juice to activate the mucilaginous properties of the various herbs (so that they will stick to and 'slime onto' every square millimeter of intestinal tract they come into contact with) be followed with additional water to both ensure adequate hydration and to lubricate/hydrate the intestinal tract to create an effective cleanse (that doesn't clog). Of course, the IF#1 is needed to make sure that the IF#2 is moving along/out properly AND to increase the peristaltic action and muscular strength of the intestines (which has been weakened, stretched out of shape/strength and impacted with fecal matter since the time when we stopped having 3-5 bowel movements a day (as a VERY small toddler).
That we can make ANY headway in the condition of our impacted/weakened (filty/toxic) colons in only 30 days is a TRUE miracle. Every molecule of food & liquid we ingest has to seep through that putrid layer of toxins/poisons before being assimilated, and the major of that which is assimilated heads directly to the liver (yikes!). Yes, what that means is without several thorough
Colon Cleanses (and a few maintenance cleanses yearly), every time we eat or drink ANYTHING (clean/organic/pure or NOT) we are stressing, burdening and compromising an ALREADY overstressed & overburdened liver..
One of THE main reasons we see hundreds of people on the
Liver Flush Forum having to do 30-50
Liver Flushes before they stop seeing stones & debris??? Because they don't understand that every system of the body works together, and that they constantly compromise/burden their liver & bloodstream daily if they never undertake serious/thorough colon cleansing :(
If you'd like to learn more about how our colon's 'got to be this way', then scan down to the paragraph that starts: "first things first, and foremost" in this post:
Just to make sure you know - what we sell and formulate is the IF#1 capsules and the IF#2 powder (to be mixed with water/juice). We make it both with ground flax (which we feel is more effective) and with whole flax (for those that believe, which we do not) that the ground flax goes 'rancid') Rancid flax smells skunk-ish, and our IF#2 has NEVER smelled like a skunk. But Dr. Schulze now used whole flax seeds, so we make it both ways so folks can choose what they prefer.
Healthiest of blessings -
P.S. Also, regarding a "weak liver" (from a section of the liver cancer of the SYL manual regarding a woman that had liver cancer):
>>> For her, I think she was doing about 8 capsules (of IF#1) and having about 6 strong bowel movements a day. Then, we also had the intestinal Number Two Formula. We were really working that bowel, because when you've got the liver so ill, you really want to work the bowel. <<<