I used the approach of take antioxidants in the morning and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement in the evening, if I'd taken
Iodine I would probably have taken it in the morning, antoxidants midday and
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement evening,
If you're taking
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement several doses a day you may have to take a break every few days to do antioxidants but it would depend on how much antioxidants you needed and how much MMS you took, also these things are individual so it's hard to tell.
The body produces it's own antioxidants, makes them from some nutrients and stores them, also you take in some directly in the diet. MMS can deplete them of course so if you feel yourself feeling worse after a longer use of MMS this could be the reason, so you would need to take a break to recover there levels
I don't think taking antioxidants in the same day, as long as they are taken a few hours away, affects oxidants
The antioxidants are stored inside cells and are mostly cleared from the blood in a short time also from my experience MMS is effective while taking antioxidants in the same day but several hours apart.
MMS can also likely deplete some minerals such as magnesium
if too much too long is taken
You have to remember the immune system also produces oxidants and in the case of some chronic infections etc
it may not be able to produce enough which is why MMS is taken. Better of course is to improve the immune system but that may be easier done after the pathogens are reduced.
Then there are also free radicals produced by pathogens and normal metabolism which antioxidants are needed to neutralize so you can't allow them to get too depleted.
That's my understanding anyway, no doubt there are more complexities involved