Around January 12th I started to experience symptoms fitting the description of chlamydia. I promptly went to a clinic (Was on break from college), was given a prescription of doxycycline for 7 days, and flew home. The
Antibiotics didn't seem to help, so my doctor prescribed more.
After two weeks of doxycycline and still no improvement, the doctor did a swab test, in which I tested positive for chlamydia. I took a variety of
Antibiotics for two months, and nothing has seemed to work.
I am in chiropractic school and am strongly against prescription medication in general. I found a homeopathic treatment for chlamydia online biogetica.
I have been using their product for approximately three months now, with slight relief.
I take several Standard Process supplements (Very high quality whole food supplements) including a multivitamin, antiinflammatory, fish oil, and
Iodine supplement.
I took about 8
ounces of
Colloidal Silver as well before I ran out. I've tried echinacea, goldenseal, high doses of vitamin A (100,000 IU/day for 10 days) and many things I'm sure I'm forgetting.
I just ordered the HumaWorm
parasite cleanse, including their antibiotic.
I plan on doing the HW cleanse, and if thats unsuccessful trying
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
Does anyone have any suggestions? This experience has been stressful physically, mentally, emotionally, and I have been having near constant discomfort for 5 months.
Please help!