Hi there lovernotafighter, I came across your ad randomly. Look, I know this is just an online site, but I am being really sincere here. I am 23 years old and struggled with bingeing, fasting, and exercising and obsessing about food forever and ever. I tried to go raw, vegan, vegetarian, low calorie, weight watchers, candida cleansing, atkins, etc. on and on. I tried all kinds of diets. I know that everyone said this but going on a diet that someone else tells you to do does not work. Going raw is just another diet and to me it is like another eating disorder. If you are meant to eat raw, it will happen NATURALLY. You will start wanting only raw fruits, veggies, nuts, etc. But if you are having cravings, you are not ready for something like going raw.
I lost weight by allowing myself to eat anything i wanted. Yes, sometimes I still overeat a little bit, but I listen to my body. I feed it when it needs food, I eat less when it needs cleansing, I drink water when I am thirsty. I drink coffee to flush out when needed.
I just think that you are trying to go raw to gain some kind of control and that the control you need is to actually set some boundaries with the people in your life as well as respect other people's boundaries. Eating disorders, overeating and addictions are often caused by a lack of boundaries. If you do not know what boundaries are, I really recommend studying them.
I really wish you well and I just wanted to respond to your ad. By the way, if you allow yourself to eat what you want when you want it, you will not get fat. You will lose weight. You will see that your body only wants what is best for it. Trust your body and Trust yourself.
You can check out Geneen Roth and other related authors if you are interested.
I wish you the best! :o)