I don't think a 30 day fast will cause you any hair loss, but I think it depends on how well nourished you are at the start of a fast. Any particular reason for 30 days? If you just take it day by day, you can decide when to break it. Personally I prefer indefinite fasts. But I guess that's a matter of choice.
Anyway, regarding hair loss. If you google the following searches:
You will find that something called telogen effluvium crops up a lot, and I think this is the mechanism at work in all cases.
The trichological society describe it here: http://www.hairscientists.org/anorexia-hairloss.htm
"The hair follicles skip the Catogen phase and enter the Telogen (loss phase). The resulting excessive hair losses (telogen effluvium) commence 6-12 weeks later.
The average scalp has 84000 - 145000 hair follicles. In healthy persons at any given time, approximately 80-90% of scalp follicles are in the hair producing (anagen) phase, with 10-20% in the telogen phase. Normal average daily hair loss is 60-150 hairs.
In Telogen Effluvium, the anagen and telogen ratios change dramatically. Statistics are unreliable. The author has observed patients loosing all but the shortest hairs within 6-12 weeks of the onset."
The good thing is the hair grows back, some say better than before, however I don't think the number of hair follicles change, it may just seem that way after you lose so much.
If you get to the hair loss stage, I think you are pretty much very low on reserves. The body is starting to shut down non essential systems, to prioritize heart etc.
One other thing worth mentioning - distilled water. My own view on this is that the human body is used to getting minerals in water, so in a natural fast, one would be getting those minerals, the composition dependent upon source. When I fast I drink filtered tap water, it's fairly pure where I am.
Some people say that distilled water causes hair loss. It is said that it causes mineral "leeching", but I disagree with that. However I guess the lack of minerals may contribute towards quicker mineral loss and hence quicker hair loss, because the body may take some minerals from the water, if there are any in it.
I have ever had hair loss, because I am a cautious faster. However I did try distilled water once and it tasted unnatural to me, so I went back to filtered tap water.
Note that with this type of hair loss the effect seems to be delayed, but I think if you don't have a history of poor eating and don't have any other problems, you should be OK. I did 27 days and I still have a full head of hair.
Others may have slightly different views, not sure, but I would also be interested in any other opinions.
Hi Chrisb1, What do you think of Fiji water. I don't know if you have researched this or not, but in the book, Water & Salt the Essence of Life by Barbara Hendel/ Peter Ferreira, they have a good argumemt for it. They say water has information so even if you drink distilled you may be getting bad information water. Fiji water is good information. It's been a while since I read the book so I hope I explained it right. I drank distilled for years and was happy with it, but I am wondering about this argument. I guess one could clean up the information in distilled water by running it through the distiller several times. That would have to be the best water - no bad information and no bad minerals. Let me know what you think if you know anything about it. Rainy
Hello Chrisb1,
Hi Rainy,
I don't want to appear stupid but I don't understand what you're talking about when you say "water has good information or bad information."
I don't know how water could have information, its water. Do you mean like the old time batteries where they got used to the charging pattern you first started with and if you did it differently they wouldn't last so long?
I don't know how water could have a memory.
Thanks for posting. I have watched that video and tried to read some stuff this guy wrote but to tell you the truth it sounds like a load of bunk to me. Maybe I just don't have an open mind about these things but I read somewhere and I'm thinking it was from Emoto, that they talk to water and I'm gonna tell you that is just sounds plain crazy to me.
I guess I'll have to attribute it to different strokes for different folks LOL. I'm perfectly happy drinking my distilled water that I distilled myself so I know where it came from, so I think I'll keep with what I'm doing. I'm too busy to talk to my water ha ha.
I mean no offense to those who subscribe to the theory of Emoto. That's what makes this world such a great place, everybody is different.
Hi Willow,
I think the other posts in this thread answered your question. I learned about information and memory in water from the book, Water & Salt the Essence of Life by Barbara Hendel/ Peter Ferreira. It looks like it is just a theory rather than scientific fact according to Chrisb1's post. The book may have been written to promote Fiji water, however, if I remember right, it did mention that they are working on producing water with good information by filtering or distilling it several times. If they did that I'm sure they would sell it at a very high price. So, if there is any truth to it, I don't see why we can't just make our own.
Hi Rainy,
I do make my own distilled water but I run it through the distiller only once. I'm happy with the way things are regarding my water so I'm going to stick to my tried and proved way.
Sometimes there are so many different ways of doing things and each person is different so I think we should all do what we feel is best. It just sounds funny to talk about water having information and a memory. I got a good chuckle out of this thread but some good info also.
Hi Chris,
Well no wonder Fiji Water is so very expensive here in the states. I always wondered and now I know, thanks for that. I drink only distilled water as I'm sure you know and will continue to do so.