Thanks for your kind thoughts wandjmom! I am serious - FIVE YEARS! I don't mean to scare you but it's true, I have been sick for so long it got so bad I thought I must be dying. I only recently started feeling better after seeing a naturopath/kinesiologist who told me how bad IUD's were in general and began treating me. I don't know how you would find a kinesiologist in your area but if you look on the web you may find someone near to you. It really helped me, just yesterday I said to my hubby how much I was enjoying my life now, I love my job, i have energy, I can drive for 2 hours without being a shaking sweating mess at the end of it and no vomiting, I am starting to get on top of the housework again (I'm a little OCD so the house being a constant mess has driven me CRAZY but I simply could not find the energy)I'm getting dinner on time most days, I really enjoy spending time with my kids AND my husband (LOL) - I feel like I'm back from a dark place I've been lost in for so long. Don't give up hope, I sincerely wish that you will start feeling better soon. Great job again on the lawsuit and thankyou so much for helping so many others in so many ways. It's so nice to have support and knowledge after so long. Can't believe I didn't do the maths earlier, guess I just used my energy for surviving. Hey, it's great being blonde! (but sometimes it can be a hindrance - lol) Happy Days & look after yourself!boots