Hi, I'm 33 yrs old male, 5'8 260 lbs - have recently gained 60 lbs in past 2 years - i was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in December 2008 with a TSH of 5.2, with the lab's upper normal limit being 4.0.
Doctor prescribed 25 mcg levoxyl which gave me some improvement over symptoms mainly fatigue , weakness in legs, depression, inability to concentrate.
Complained to doctor that I still have symptoms after 2 months and he refused to increase my dose , and sent me to an endocrinologist.
Endocrinologist tested me for diabetes and cushings and came up negative, she also does not want to increase my dose of levoxyl - I have an appt to see her in two weeks , and am writing this message to get people's opinions about my dosage and what to say to her. I am of the opinion that my dose is too low.
here are my recent lab results, neither of the doctors have tested my free T3 for some reason, only TSH and free T4, i put normal ranges for these tests because different laboratories took my blood:
starting TSH 5.2 with max normal range 4.0 in december 08
on 25 mcg levoxyl:
TSH: 1.4 normal range .35 - 5.50
Free T4: 1.07 normal range .89 - 1.76
TSH: 1.6 normal range .27 - 4.20
Free T4: .85 normal range .70 - 1.70
TSH: .86 normal range .34 - 5.6
Free T4: .56 normal range .61- 1.60
The last test shows that my free T4 has fallen below the bottom range, after having twice tested low-normal.
I don't understand why the two doctors I have seen refuse to increase my dose? Thanks for any advice