Anybody know what this is? I passed them this morning (9 days after LF). They're long, slimy mucous. I passed short, broken pieces of them few days ago, nothing this long. What're they? Tape worm? ... thx, tie
I did my 1st LF two Fridays ago. It was a smashing success! Everything went swimmingly, nothing dramatic except for the results. I took 2 doses of ES (1Tbsp each) and 16oz of the Citrus+OO potion. There was no gagging nor nausea, in fact I felt I had a lot more room than 16oz. You're "good" at 8 oz of citrus and 8 oz of oil - I can think of no reason why you'd ever need/want to ingest more than that. I didn’t get any butt-pee effect from the ES to my surprise and also didn’t feel particularly de-hydrated from it either. My body was so tight, so it just sucked up all the Mg, nothing was wasted to the colon for the butt-pee. I was pretty relax the whole time, there was no GB/liver pain. The massive liver rumbling didn’t start until 2hrs later. I lied down quietly for another 2hrs, it was then the flood gate started and I was bonded to the bathroom for the next 30+ hours,some of that 'bonded to the bathroom' may have been a 'late reaction' to the Epsom Salts - that's not unusual at all. splitted into two stages:
Stage 1 (24hrs):
-60 cholesterol stones (melted to oil??? under the sun)
-20 white crystallized stones (still intact)
-sands stones (thousands)
-brown, green sludge
-black butt-pee
Stage 2 (8hrs):
-slimy strands (white, clear, green and brown) with soft green or brown stones embedded
-slimy strands (white, clear, green and brown) with NO stones embedded
-white onion skins
Fan-rockin'-tastic results!! Generally speaking a "dump" this big over two days indicates that your gallbladder/liver are extremely compromised and congested.
Overall, I must have purged 1 cup or 2 of "stuff" over a two-day period. The bathroom trips decreased substantially on the 2nd night, so I decided to chase it with another flush. This time without the ES. I took half the amount (8oz) of the flush potion and in much shorter time. I felt kinda full after 6oz, but decided to chug down the other 2oz anyways. After the drink, I lied down on the sofa and felt like vomiting, so I started chewing on the ginger to mask the discomfort, but stopped as soon as I realized that I had taken too much of the potion (more than what my body can handle at the time), I should let my body vomit it out if that’s what the body wanted to do. I didn’t vomit, but something else bothered me a lot more than the vomit feeling…… Within a short moment of lying down, I felt some dull pain and contraction around the gallbladder/liver. This is VERY typical in a liver flush - there have been many times when I've had MUCH more than a "dull pain" and contractions. You are unseating and disturbing a lot of various types & sizes of debris (that have been seriously stuck and impacted for a long time) - it's only natural to feel a bit of discomfort and cramping. I immediately took 1tsp of ES, but a little too late and it didn’t do much. 'Tis likely whatever was moving around that caused the 'sensations' had moved to place where it wasn't causing sensations. All very typical. The next day, I didn’t purge much, no stones, just the slimy strands, some dark butt-pee. Nothing dramatic. Overall, I didn’t feel like I had done a liver flush at all. This is also typical after a previous flush 'so close' to this one. The liver has 4 quadrants and we have the gallbladder - on the first flush, everything that was close 'to the exit sign' on the liver and what was in the gallbladder came out or had a chance to come out. On the second flush, perhaps a lot from the rest of the liver hadn't had quite enough time to move close enough 'to the exit door' to get out. But that does NOT mean the 2nd flush wasn't efffective - you definitely moved things closer 'to the exit door' for next time! :) I wasn’t sure if that was a sign to stop further liver flush. But, decided to give it a day off. In my opinion, 2 liver flushes in 3 days = time to take a break (unless one is experiencing extreme symptoms)
For the next couple of days, I felt great, and noticed many of the symptoms of my ailments have greatly subsided, except for the tightness around the GB/liver area. I kinda ignored it, and started to prep for my 3rd flush with Dr. Schulze’s mild-flush. I didn't do the tea, just the the morning lemon+OO tonic and the tinctures. It's typical to get a lot of relief the first flush when the liver/gallbladder is impacted (under pressure) congested and compromised. It's also VERY typical for that relief to be VERY short-lived.
I also continued to juice fast (Day 23) and take 3tsp of IF#2 (P&B) daily, no IF#1 nor any cathartic herbs at this point. I tried taking 2 caps of IF#1 at one point, it did its job but for a price.... Ever since the flush, my intestine has become very sensitive to a point that I’d get a major abdomen cramp with merely 2 caps of IF#1. See my last post to you. The cayenne in the IF#1 capsules has the possibility of causing parasites to 'go nutzo' and cause intestinal distress...something I hadn't thought to mention before, because we were having such a trial trying to get this all figured out. Exactly WHERE is this "abdomen cramping" and how severe is it? Not wanting to further tighten my body (as a result of taking IF#1) I relied on one water enema and one back-to-back CE to get my bowels (1-2 bms daily) going for the past week. :(:(:( Unless this "cramping" is doubling you over, some cramping is expected when using IF#1 (especially when your bowel is as weak and compromised as yours apparently is). Check your inbox for information about previously discussed solutions/possibilities.
Meanwhile, my upper body (sternum and the upper mid-back) is getting progressively tighter, I also felt more contractions around the gallbladder/liver area. There were times I was so tight that I couldn’t even blow my nose. I also noticed less "stuff" coming out of my poo as the days go by. This is what I meant when I said the immediate benefits/relief can be very short-lived. You've got LOTS of junk in there trying to come out - it needs your help. There's also a drop in my energy level… Every morning, within an hour of the lemon+OO tonic, I’d start to feel drowsy and the need to lie down. Together with the increasing tightness of the body and the spine, I felt like the healing has stopped. OH NO! NO! NO! The healing is JUST beginning!!! Now that you've seen parasites, you can depend upon the last week and half being the 'diagnostic/relief' stage - the real HEALING is just beginning!!! After a week has gone by, I was so tight, tired and exhausted to the point that I had no energy to do the 3rd flush that I had originally planned to do last friday (a week after the 1st flush). I slept a lot for the next two days (over the weekend) until last night… I couldn’t take the contraction and the tightness around my upper body anymore. I remembered what a difference the ES has made (comparing the two liver flushes), I then took 1tsp of Mg Citrate. Within 1hr, I experienced that same release/relief I did with the ES I took for my 1st LF. I could actually feel my arms and legs pulling the Mg from the stomach/intestine! I had a decent night of sleep…….Think of it like a football sized 'water ballon' that filled with yards upon yards of tiny tubing (all intricately coiled up) - and the water ballon is about to burst - but the only way anything can get out is through a tiny lil' gallbladder. When you took the magnesium it :::sigh::: relaxed everything a bit. There's not necessarily a reason to assume that the 2nd flush didn't yield because of an absence of ES - there's more reaon to assume that you'd just "gotten everything out that was near the exit" (so there wasn't much 'right there' waiting to come out)...and a few days later you started feeling more pressure at the exit door. I'm not saying you SHOULDN'T use ES again, I'm just saying it's VERY typical for the 2nd flush of a back-to-back to yield a substantial percentage less than the first flush.
This morning, again feeling drowsy soon after the lemon+OO tonic. It's VERY common to feel sluggish and lethargic anytime we ingest oil when the liver is compromised and clogged - it takes bile to digest/breakdown the oil, and when the liver is clogged it must work harder to get enough bile into the duodenum. I did a water enema and WOW! a bunch of foot-long slimy mucous came out. Are they tape worms? Considering the previous "onion skins" and that you're underweight (right?) this is very likely (post the images on Humaworm and see if you can get a positive ID). Mucous can also be that 'long'. Is that why I felt so tired, because of the die-off symptoms or simply the body is exhausted from all the flushes (1 big, 1 med, 7 milds)? 'Tis likely a blend of both...particularly that your liver is clogged and you're continuing to do the 'mini-flush' drink in the mornings which stirs things around but isn't quite enough to 'get it out' (nor get enough bile through so your liver is working hard) How do you know when you’re ready for the another flush? Methink you are MORE than ready! Whenever one feels consistent gallbladder/liver 'twinges' and just had a release as big as yours a week/two before, that indicates "ready to flush again". And, how does the liver cycle its purge? Things push from the 4 quadrants of the liver, out into the gallbladder.How come I no longer poo any more stones, It's not typical to "poo stones" after the day after the flushI That you continued to release liver debris after the 'day after' indicates your liver/gallbladder are very congested & compromised I can’t be done with all my stones in just one BIG flush? Please shed some light on me! Correct, you're a LONG way from from being "all done stones". If it were me? One flush a week for a few weeks, tapering to one every 10 days (unless on day 8,9,10 I felt my liver/gallbladder cramping or twinging, then I'd go back to weekly) - then every two weeks until the amount of debris coming OUT of the liver is consistently less than the flushes before it.
FLUSH ON, TIERRA! You're doing FANTASTIC things for your health!
P.S. Pardon the typos, it's almost dawn :::yawn::: and I'm in the middle of a flush myself - 'don't have time to check for typos :)