Sorry to hear you are experiencing tummy troubles.
It may well be a combination of influences causing this for you.
You are definitely on the right website to cure yourself
from a health standpoint. Just like you wouldn't trust a
doctor's diagnosis over the phone, you might not want to
"guess" a solution for your home to support you. In fact,
the Feng Shui of your home may only be a small factor to
your condition. To play it safe, since Feng Shui is not
"one-size-fits-all" (just like not all the same cures on this
site will cure everyone in the same way), I would simply put
your common sense into play and make sure that your bedroom is
as restful, neat and organized, serene and quiet as possible
for you to adaquately recharge your Qi (Chi). With your kitchen
& dining area, make sure they are as clean as possible and
inviting to make for a nice environment to receive good nourishment to heal you.
Good Luck