Hi refreshed,
Your question: Are there any benefits to adding large amounts of calcium hydroxide to sea water? Negatives?
Since it has been proposed to add it to reduce atmospheric CO2 and fight the greenhouse effect would it be a good thing to use to help with low oxygen areas of the oceans?
I think Grz already posted something hitting somewhat on this.
Answer: The problem is not CO2, for plants need CO2 in order to Live !
The problem may be Excess Nitrogen waste washed into the oceans along with the Herbicides and Pesticides and Fungicides and all the Industrial waste which Prevent the Ocean water from being able to carry enough Oxygen?
This may lead to too Acidic ocean waters called Dead Zones?
Cause and Effect !
Smile Tis your choice.
Acidity does not cause these dead zones. In fact many of these dead zones are in coral reefs, which are composed of calcium carbonate. Calcium carbonate buffers acids, so it is impossible for these waters to be acidic. So if the water was really acidic the coral would not just be dead it would be dissolved. The problem is that the pollution creates large algae blooms that choke out the corals. You will also see cases of large fish kills in fresh water lakes as well. As the algae blooms dies and decay the process sucks up oxygen from the water leading to suffocaton of the fish. This has nothing to do with the water becoming acidic though. Water can become depleted of oxygen by raising the temperature as well, though the pH is not being made acidic. This is why many species of trout die if they get in to warm water. The warm water does not hold enough oxygen for them to breathe and they end up suffocating.
"“Acid rain isn’t just a problem of the land; it’s also affecting the ocean,”
Acid rain has been a fact of life even long before man arrived on this earth. How do you think the oceans have become so salty? It is the acids formed by the reaction of rainwater on nitrogen and sulfur oxides, and other natural acids, that dissolve rock, which in turn makes its way in to the oceans. The minerals do not evaporate leading to an increased concentration of salts. Other acids include those formed from the reaction of water with gasses, from volcanoes for example, that also form acid rain.
excess nitrogen inputs from the atmosphere promote increased growth of phytoplankton and other marine plants which, in turn, may cause more frequent harmful algal blooms and eutrophication (the creation of oxygen-depleted “dead zones”) in some parts of the ocean.
As I already pointed out.
This rain of chemicals changes the chemistry of seawater, with the increase in acidic compounds lowering the pH of the water while reducing the capacity of the upper ocean to store carbon.
Again, why do we have coral? Even with lakes in New York that have become very acidic from acid rain this whole process took a very long time as the natural acidic buffers in the lake and surrounding soil had to be depleted before the pH could become acidic in the lakes. The ocean is no different. In order to become acidic the natural buffers must first be used up to allow acidification. This includes all of the corals, the coral sand, the seashells..........
The most heavily affected areas tend to be downwind of power plants (particularly coal-fired plants) and predominantly on the eastern edges of North America, Europe, and south and east of Asia.
Seawater is slightly basic (pH usually between 7.5 and 8.4), but the ocean surface is already 0.1 pH units lower than it was before the Industrial Revolution. Previous research by Doney and others has suggested that the ocean will become another 0.3 to 0.4 pH units lower by the end of the century, which translates to a 100 to 150 percent increase in acidity."
So he really thinks that all seawater has the same pH? So the colder kelp laden waters he mentions in most of the places he mentions will have the same pH as warmer coral bearing waters? And the water does not circulate mixing the acidic waters with more alkaline waters from higher carbonate concentrations? And according to your hero Moreless oxygen reduces acidity. So wave action among other things that help to oxygenate water is not buffering the acids. Oh, could Moreless be wrong? Could it be so simple?
I wrote a paper on this issue almost 20 years ago...
BTW - the polite reference to CO2 being the "big" culprit here has to do with the politics of Science and political appeasement... not truth.
the coral reefs ARE dissolving...
read up what happens when a reef tank becomes just slightly more acidic than it should...
An aquarium is not the same as the ocean. I happen to do a lot of diving. I have yet to see any evidence of coral reefs dissolving or shells, or urchin exoskeletons, or anything else calcium based in the oceans. In fact while diving in
"The shells of coral and other marine life dissolve in acid. The process is happening so fast that many such species, including coral, crabs, oysters and mussels, may become unable to build and repair their shells and will die out, say the researchers."
Apparently these "researchers" do not dive and have not really checked out this hypothesis. I can show you all sorts of shells that I have collected from diving all over. Most of the shells are extremely thick. Same goes for the sheep crabs I have caught. You need a hammer to break their claws open because they are so thick.
There are tons of references to shell fish losing the ability to form and maintain their shells... and in cases where they have one, the shell is considerably thinner...
This link is interesting being that their shells require carbon dioxide to form. Do you know how coral forms for example? As fish repirate they release carbon dioxide in to the water. This reacts with calcium in the water forming calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate is picked up by polyps that they use to cement themselves to a hard surface. As the polyps die other polyps cement themselves to the older polyps with the calcium carbonate. Shells of snails, exoskeletons of urchins, etc. form in a similar way. Then there is the factor of seaweeds and phytoplankton that also use up a lot of the CO2, nitrates and sulfates.
Current evidence shows that acidity is destroying the shells of tiny organisms that help absorb enormous amounts of carbon pollution from the atmosphere.
You mean phytoplankton? The same phytoplankton that are supposedly creating large blooms and killing off the corals? But wait, if the phytoplankton are being killed off then how are they creating massive blooms to kill off the corals. Sounds to me like you and Moreless are coming up with contradictory stories.
The Guardian reports that growing acidity is already placing pressure on shellfish and other marine life in the Artic and Antarctic.
The Guardian? What scientific journal is that? Or is this another one of those Chicken Little publications?
High application rates of inorganic nitrogen fertilizers in order to maximize crop yields combined with the high solubilities of these fertilizers leads to increased leaching of nitrates into groundwater. Eventually, nitrate-enriched groundwater makes its way into lakes, bays and oceans where it accelerates the growth of algae, disrupts the normal functioning of water ecosystems and kills fish, a process known as eutrophication. Water may become cloudy and/or discolored (green, yellow, brown, or red). About half of all the lakes in the United States are eutrophic, while the number of oceanic dead zones near inhabited coastlines are increasing.
Again, something I already pointed out. Of course this is a separate issue than acidification
Instead of flatly denying or accusing ML of false statements in every single post he makes, you would do well to research a bit first.
I guess I could say the same for you as you have yet to prove anything about acidity causing these dead zones from algae blooms. In fact as I pointed out your statements were contradictory. The acids are killing the phytoplankton, but these phytoplankton are not really dying as they are creating massive algae blooms that are killing the corals. You can't have it both ways so one or both of your statements was incorrect.
The handle you are attacking - currently I see is not making personal attacks - but you are
You have become that which you hate....
I know you are a bigger man than that - I enjoy many of your posts and I appreciate your effort to ensure home remedy knowledge does not die...
You aren't being very observant. The current handle is merely the latest in a line of over 20 handles which are variations of the original Corinthian by one and the same person whose previous aberrant and abhorrent behavior led to his banning for life from this website. He has created even more IDs that aren't variations of his original ID. All in violation of CureZone TOS.
In case you have missed some of his posts since he returned determined to once again force his will on CureZone, flaunt TOS and continue his attacks on the members, here are just a few of many, many examples:
The twisted guy is banned for life and his return provides a good illustration of why. If you think what I am doing is being a troll, you have a right to that opinion but I disagree. What I am doing is taking a stand that I for one will not allow someone to force their will on us and soil our website. It is a stand I think that all members of CureZone who care about following TOS and exercising acceptible decorum should take as well. If you disagree with that stand somehow, that is regrettable. But I can promise you that I will not change.
It always puzzles me (and I a use a weak term) to see:
people who think of themselves as Christian, Religious or Spiritual,
people who usually posts on forums that have nothing to do with Acid/Alkaline pH Principles,
people who can hardly explain what is an acid and what is a base and even less the various definitions of acids and bases,
people who don't know a thing about the importance of pH balance,
people who would not be able to tell what is the lymphatic system,
people who would not normally post in this forum,
people who will support someone who defies the rules and someone who is also highly obsessive,
just because the enemies of their enemies are their friend?
Could it be that their claims of being Christian, Religious or Spiritual
are a bit on the Bovine Scatology sides?
Now that all of the five Corinthian variation usernames that were around earlier today have been vanquished maybe we can. If you and JustinL will put away your knives that is. Who knows, maybe the vote totals might even become a bit more accurate again, though I am certain that he-who-does-not-belong is still skulking around with a couple or more other IDs and bad intentions.
I was not aware of the FULL length of this ongoing battle...
My post to you was in the light of a peace maker...
Please do not read into my posts more then what I am stating. i am quite direct and open and transparent of my views....
I posted to Cor as well over in the quackery BB...
For the record - for all in this debating group -
I have no enemies nor do I seek "alliances" some like to use the word friendship but actually mean - will be friendly to you if you make alliance with me and side with my thoughts/beliefs.
I consider all mankind connected in the same manor - though I will disagree and become angered at times. This passes and I return to the my neutral balance once again... Such as moreless. I am no longer angered nor hold any grudges for what he has done (and may continue to do)... What he will or will not do is his business...
I will repeat what I said in the quackery bb -
the generally perceived view of quackery - is the definition of this BB. Thus COR's view goes with that main stream view...
COR must realize - all on this curezone bb want this perceived quackery. This is why this BB exists....
Curezoners will not "WIN" a battle with a scientifically educated mind for they have science backing them...
Curezoners do have _ look this works for.... xyz.... of the trial and error of what works and doesn't work from generation past. Some even study science and have discovered the hidden cures from science for the sake of profit and freely share it here even in the light of ridicule many times...
Personally I thank you for your continues efforts....
Not to worry - I took no offense. I was just pointing out what you had obviously missed.
I understand and share your desire to have no enemies nor animosity directed at you. Unfortunately there are some unbalanced souls here that have a hard time handling anything that is not in their comfort zone - and for some that means simply disagreeing with them. Others appear to be here mainly for the drama and conflicts they can create and like nothing better than to provoke someone into prolonged arguments.
It is sad to see some people here at this site who so desperately need healing be here for purposes that are nothing to do with healing. Not only are they cheating the other members, they are also cheating themselves - particularly when they come back again and again with no regard for the rules or proper decorum.
In the past, I have fallen into the trap of responding in kind - not being one to back down nor one normally willing to sit back and see lies posted about me. With some people though, that simply feeds their madness and spite.
I take no pleasure in continuing to expose and oppose Corinthian and I realize that there are others who likely should also be removed and kept at bay too, but I am not the sheriff of CureZone and do not make it my business to ferret out all the miscreants, most of whom I am probably not even aware of. I AM aware of Corinthian because he made it very personal and ultimately began posting the most despicable of lies - namely that I have caused people's deaths, which he is now repeating out of anger because I and others will not allow him to force his will on this forum and make us accept him back on his terms of misbehavior.
Of course such vile accusations are patently untrue and neither he nor anyone else can produce one single instance of that happening - but he has never let the truth get in the way of a slur or personal vendetta. To top it off, he came to my own forum and repeated the accusation along with a death wish for me that I get cancer and die from it. That is something I would not and will not stand for. And neither will CureZone.
Thanks for the feedback. I suspect all the negative votes was from your ...... friend :)
Actually he was wasting his time and energy - I hope he saw that and moved on. the curezone is the quackeryzone from his view thus he is preaching to the wrong audience....
folks here such as myself seek this FDA defined quackery - seeing it as the opposite... If it kills us.. so be it. But I suspect 100x more die from the gov licensed medicines and drugs... and 10,000x wasted $$$$....
Anyway it was nice to read your edited parts as well. We all can relate - been there done that... The only difference likely is individual locations of our lines in the sand where if others cross - well they quickly learn to cross back with a few lumps for them to remember their place so to speak...
Be well