New Study: Vitamins Alter Aging.
The next time you hear some nay-saying doctor claiming that there is no evidence that vitamins actually do anything show him this:
A new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that multivitamins can keep you younger, longer. It shows that people who take a daily multivitamin had younger DNA.
The study found that those who took a multivitamin daily had 5.1 percent longer telomeres than non-users.1
Telomeres are the key to aging. And it's not just your life span that's affected¦ Short telomeres dramatically boost your risk of serious diseases. One study of 60 to 75 year olds showed those with short telomeres had a 300% higher death rate from heart disease and an 800% higher death rate from infectious diseases.2
In case you haven't been following our story on the amazing advances in telomere biology, telomeres are part of your DNA. They can be found in every cell in your body, and are critical to youthful cell function. But as your cells divide, your telomeres get shorter¦ and the shorter your telomeres, the older your cells behave.
I think of them as a kind of countdown clock for aging. You see, as your cells age, they're less able to defend against toxins and free radicals that damage your body. So you tend to become more susceptible to a wide variety of age-related diseases.
Worse, when your telomeres completely run down, cell division stops. And that's bad news. Because when new cells no longer replace damaged ones, you die.
Or looking at the glass half-full” if you can lengthen your telomeres, you'll be healthier and live better longer.
And now this new study shows that you can take a significant step toward doing that with vitamin supplements. But you can't take just any. There are specific vitamins that lengthen telomeres that your formula needs to have. I'll tell you about them in this month's newsletter.
I'll also tell you more about the state-of-the-art breakthrough therapy involving telomeres that can stop”and even reverse”your body's aging process.
How to Keep Your Telomeres Longer With Nutrients
The study was full of good news. It turns out that vitamin B12 supplements increase telomere length. And vitamins C and E prevent telomere shortening, increasing the life span of cells.3
Why are B12, C, and E so effective at maintaining telomere length?
It's their powerful antioxidant activity. Your telomeres are extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress ¦ and that's exactly what antioxidants protect you against. This helps keep your telomeres long. And that, in turn, will help you live a longer and healthier life.
These vitamins can be easily “ and inexpensively “ added to your supplement regimen. Plus, it's always a good idea to start with a diet that is full of foods that give you as many of the vitamins and minerals that keep you healthy. Here's a list of good food sources of telomere supporting vitamins B12, C, and E.
Foods Sources of Vitamins B12, C, and E
Vitamin B12
Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Beef (Grass-fed)
Turnip Greens
Beef Liver
Red & Green Bell Peppers
Olive Oil
But, diet alone won't give you the level of vitamins that you need to prevent your telomeres from shortening and to maintain health and longevity. That's why you need to supplement your diet.
Get Your Vitamins from the Best Sources
Before rushing out to buy these supplements, here's some information to help you make the best buying decision.
Vitamin B12 “ I recommend taking at least 100 mcg per day. Although, I have advised my patients to take as much as 500 mcg per day or more for improving things like brain function and energy levels.
Vitamin C “ based on my own experience, taking up to 3,000 mg per day is a good amount if you're currently in good health. I always recommend pregnant women get at least 6,000 mg per day. And in times of stress or sickness, you can take up to 20,000 mg.
You also want to make sure that you get the natural form of vitamin C and not the synthetic form. In one particular study, natural vitamin C was 148% more effective than the synthetic form. And it stayed in the test participants' systems longer.4
Vitamin E “ You want your vitamin E to be mixed tocopherols�. It's also important to watch out for the kinds of tocopherols that are in it. Your body is better able to absorb them in their organic d� form.
But many vitamin manufacturers use the inferior synthetic dl� form. Studies actually show that natural vitamin E has twice the bioavailability of the synthetic form.5 That means your body is able to absorb more of the vitamin. So be sure to get the natural d� form.
I recommend 200 to 400 IU of mixed tocopherols a day. Unlike vitamins B12 and C, vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, which means it needs fat to get absorbed in your body. So be sure to take it with food.
You can take all of these supplements separately, or, as was found in the study, you can take a multivitamin that combines all of these vitamins at these levels.
But if you want to use a multi-vitamin, shop with caution.
The study revealed that iron supplements have a negative effect on telomeres ¦ they cause them to shorten. So you'll want to stay away from any multivitamin that contains iron.
While you're shopping, keep in mind that most brands usually don't contain more than 100% of the RDA for most nutrients. The RDA is the minimum you need to prevent nutrient deficiencies, but not enough to lower your risk of serious disease or have a positive impact on your telomeres as in the study.
For vitamin B12, C, and E, the RDA for adult males is 2.4 mcg, 90 mg, and 22.5 IU, respectively. Way below the levels that were found to be beneficial in the study. So, as you can see, you'll have to be a smart shopper when it comes to selecting the right multivitamin. So, when looking for a superior multivitamin, you want it to have at least 500 mg of vitamin C, 200 IU of vitamin E, and 100 mcg of B12. This will give you much more than the RDA amounts.
The multivitamins on drugstore and supermarket shelves may not be the best choice for you. They often fall short of the vitamins and minerals you need most. They can also fall short in terms of quality since many of them are synthetic instead of natural. You can check out my formula that has just the right dose of anti-aging nutrients.
I always say that taking a multivitamin is the first step to better health for everybody. It's inexpensive and easy to add to your daily routine. And now, we have proof that taking one can actually help you change your genetic age.
*Stay Young with A Nutrient Even More Powerful Than Vitamins*.............................
While vitamins are vital to include in your arsenal of weapons for fighting disease and aging, there's also something much more powerful that's now available. It involves the enzyme telomerase that I told you about earlier, and it just happens to be the most exciting advancement in anti-aging medicine ever.
There's a gene in your body that activates your telomerase enzyme. It acts like a genetic switch. It can stop the shortening of telomeres and even re-grow them. But this genetic switch turns off when you are born.
Now for the first time, the emerging science of telomere biology has found a way to turn this genetic switch back on. It's a ground-breaking new therapy called TA-65. It's a natural extract that comes from the Astragalus plant. It activates your telomerase gene. That means you can actually stop, and even reverse your body's aging process.
I am very excited about TA-65, and over the last several months have been spreading the word as much as possible. In fact, my Wellness Research Foundation recently hosted a special seminar with Dr. Bill Andrews, who is one of the leading telomere biology researchers in the world. He is one of the people who discovered telomerase activation with TA-65.
The turnout for this seminar was amazing. We had a packed house. There was limited seating and people paid $500 in advance to be part of this exclusive event.
Both Dr. Andrews and I explained this scientific breakthrough in fine detail to everyone. We presented over two hours of captivating information to the group. We discussed the steps leading to the discovery of TA-65, exactly how it works, and even shared our own personal story with it. We left absolutely nothing out.
I realize that not everyone who wanted to be at this event could be there. And I really didn't want anyone to miss such an incredible opportunity. That's why I made sure a top-notch video crew was there to capture the whole thing on film.
So the good news is that this seminar is no longer exclusive to just those who attended. I can now share the entire seminar with you because it is now available on DVD. With this DVD, you can learn everything there is to know about this major leap forward in anti-aging science. You won't miss a thing. It will be as if you were right there in the front row for the entire event.
1. Xu et al. Multivitamin use and telomere length in women, Am J Clin Nutr (March 11, 2009).
2. Cawthon RM, Smith KR, O'Brien E, Sivatchenko A, Kerber RA, Association between telomere length in blood and mortality in people aged 60 years or older, Lancet 2003, 361(9355):393-395
3. Life Extension Update Exclusive. Longer telomeres associated with multivitamin use. Life Extension. 3/17/09.
4. J.A. Vinson and P. Bose. Comparative Bioavailability of Synthetic and Natural Vitamin C in Guinea Pigs. Nutrition Reports International, 27, no. 4, 1983.
5. GW Burton, et. Al. Human plasma and tissue alpha-tocopherol concentrations in response to supplementation¦ Amer J of Clin Nutr, Vol 67, 669-684
Dr Al Sears MD.
Wellness Research and Consulting, Inc.
Attn: Customer Service
11903 Southern Blvd, Ste 208
Royal Palm Beach, FL 33411 USA
Great info, Chris - thanks!
I predict one or more new studies, which are really just skewed surveys of other studies, will soon be forthcoming warning about the dangers of vitamins after that one! You watch - it NEVER fails to happen.
Now, here is the kicker: I wonder how much better the results would have been if it compared those who took high quality multi-vitamins derived from whole food and natural sources at amounts high enough to insure that they got optimum daily amounts of all the vital nutrients they needed instead of synthetic petro chemical vitamins and crushed rock minerals?
Such as these two products for example:
Chris -
That one is my top choice too. Just FYI, Oasis Advanced Wellness is owned by my friend and assistant moderator of my Yahoo Oleandersoup group, the good naturopath Dr. Loretta Lanphier. Dr. Lanphier has hands on experience at the hands of master naturopaths and is an amazing lady who beat her own cancer naturopathically. She is an amazing source of information, an invaluable member of the group and her products are top notch.