Hi mamaj
My husband says all the symptoms you mentioned are possible and legitimate and that I am just one of the lucky ones who had a few side-effects to the Mirena in the beginning due to the higher levonorgestrel initially and nothing after that. He says women who have allergies to silicon, etc.,may have lasting side-effects. They cannot really explain why. No two women are the same and there is no 100% safe one-size-fits-all contraceptive. (EXCEPT VASECTOMY, BUT EVEN HE WON'T GO FOR THAT!!! DO THESE GUYS REALLY LOVE US???)
The combination pill birth control almost killed me due to the estrogen. I had horrible side-effects and developed blood clots. A young doctor in Quebec recently died from stroke due to "The Pill".She left a husband and two little children. Did "The Pill" really bring us sexual freedom or are we now less free because we face unrealistic expectations from our partners who believe we should take 100% responsibility for contraception, nevermind the serious and sometimes deadly effects on our bodies? I don't have that answer.(This is my feminist side talking!)
Anyway, back to business. My husband has seen first hand how the same contraceptive have many different effects on different women. He says they don't really know why, that is why drs. are so vague. I have a friend who became suicidal after she had Mirena inserted (on my recommendation!!) Fortunately she recognized the symptoms for what they were and she had it removed. My one sister is also a MD and she had non-stop bleeding, that's why she got rid of it. I, on the other hand, had no bleeding. Go figure.
The bottom line is that you have to shop around for contraception that works for you ...or bully your partner into a vasectomy! Do you know any man who will willingly pop a pill every day to sabotage his natural hormones or get a device stuck up his penis or implanted in his testes as a contraceptive contraceptive? I don't think so!! LOL Oh well, at the moment my contraceptive is to cross my fingers...and I told my husband if I get pregnant, the baby is 100% his. The ball is in his court now, I've done my part for 20+ years.