I have been dealing with
kidney stones for the past ten years. However, this past year has been particularly challenging. I have had lithotrypsy, uteteroscopy, cystoscopy, various times. I have medullary spong kidneys, which are kidneys that are shaped in such a way that make it easier for urine to collect and form stones.
The Ureters get very narrow as they near the bladder and actually take a little up before they emtpty into the bladder. That is why pain from the stones is so intense just before they pass into the bladder. I can tell when my stones have gone into my bladder because the pain subsides dramatically, then I just feel pressure similar to the discomfort from a UTI. I also feel it passing through the urether(sp?) It's just a sharp twinge or pinching feeling, then when I urinate, viola, the stone passes.
When I have needed procedures of course it was the stones were too large to pass on their own (or so they told me). One time when I was undergoing a IVP, it was discovered that my kidneys were not draining and were swollen to about five times their size. I had no symptions at the time, but there were several clusters of stones in both ureters that were causing the blockage. They immediately send me for a ureteroscoy and cystoscopy.
I am ready to try an alternative to the invasive procedures, plus I have had to take way more pain medication then I am comfortable with.
I am new to the forum, so I will read some posts to see what has worked for others. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
My doc suggested low oxalate foods, as well as put me on HCTZ and a potassium med. I have had a recurring rash on my legs and feet, so I discontinued the meds until I see a doc on 10/21 to see what the deal is with the rash. My foot doc says it looks like an autoimmune problem, but I want to make sure that the drugs are not causing the rash. It is quite painful and it cause my feet to swell.
Anyway, someone to comiserage with would be great!