I agree with Vance. Don't rush into a commitment either way. Although nobody is perfect, I see circumstances that may be difficult for you to handle in the future with either one.
First of all, if you love someone, age means nothing. However, the relationship with bf #2 is young. Is it truly love that will last forever?
If you go back to bf number one, even if you do marry him, once he has you, how will he treat you? Only you can answer this. What is his track record? Or maybe with this new bf showing up he realizes that he really does love you and things will be different. I don't know. Only you can answer this.
bf number 2. Will he make these same wrong decisions in the future? How will you handle this? Get to know him before you think of any type of long term commitment.
The situation here is not about these two men. It's all about you. Whatever relationship you find yourself in, don't settle and don't jump the gun. Because the consequences in the end can be devastating. What do you want in a man? How do you want to be treated? What are you willing to give to a relationship? No matter how much you love someone, always look at these things. Never settle.
Whoever you choose, whether it be one of these two men or someone in your future, take into account that a relationship involves two people caring for each other, not only in big things but little things. Love, consideration, and above all, communication. Remember, novelty wears off, then comes life. Which of these two men will treat you as you deserve to be treated? And are you willing to do the same for either one?
Look at the situation and decide what YOU want. Then pick. Make sure they are the "right" one. And if not, the "right" one will come along.