BOTI = better out than in.
It'll be what it'll be for >you< There is no rhyme or specific reason when or how you have more energy or feel better. Each person is different with different levels of toxicity and each time you do the cleanse it will be different.
Liquid in = liquid out. Basically after about the 3rd day it's mostly fluids but since you had a colonic at the begining it was prolly mostly fluids from the git go.
Sounds like you're getting rid of a lot of gunk . Make sure to drink at least equals amount of water to lemonade so you keep things moving and flush the system out.
There is no magic demarcation point at 10 days. That is just hte MINIMUM. While you're doing a great thing for yourself don't expect any miracles at 10 days and that you'll be bouncing of the wall with a minimal cleanse. Read the Detox stages in the FAQs for a general guideline for the cleansing timeline.
It takes around 2 weeks to flush out the causative agents and after 2 weeks is when the "real" cleansing at the cellular level is just begining.
How many lemonades are you drinking daily? Often lack of energy can be attibuted to not having enough lemondes and if you haven't been drinking water in addition to the lemonade it is highly propable that you could be dehydrated and this would also mean that you are not keeping the toxins being released diluted enough and moving out making you feel a bit ill. Are you doing the SWF daily? It's the most efficient way to flush the nasties from your system. When feeling a bit ill or headachy the first line of defense is to just start drinking a bunch water to keep any toxins diluted and helping the system pass them out. To help a bit with energy levels many have found a tblsp of blacksrtap molases here and there will help maintain energy levels.
I don't regiment my intake when I do it as far as intervals between drinks etc. As far a drinking water I would wait 1/2 hr before or after each lemonade drink.
No such thing as pushing it too long for a first cleanse. That is just a rationalization for quiting. My 1st I was going for 2 weeks and wound up doing 40 days. It changed my life!! I consider 21 days my minimum although I will generally go 40. 21 days will give the system a good week of deep cleansing. Several short cleanses will never have the effect of one long one as in the shorter cleanses the system never reaches the deeper cleansing cycle.